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'To: jman@gmail.com
From: gamerman@yahoo.com
Message: Hello Justin from Unit 15. This is Max. I am emailing you to give Unit 15 a choice. All of you can either surrender and come to my house or fight and have the world blow up. I am giving you 2 weeks to decide. After that, I'm coming to the island where you live and force the answer out of you. Yes I know where you live.

I read the email Max sent me three times, thinking of my answer. I didn't want to destroy the world but I also didn't want to surrender. I didn't ask my friends to help me decide because I didn't want them to freak out.

After 30 minutes passed, I made my decision. I got off of the couch, put my computer down on the table, and walked out of my hut. Gene, X'zaver, and Ryan were swimming in the ocean and Jack and the twins were getting fire wood. I walked to Gene and pull her aside, which was inside my hut.

"What is it?" She asked as I closed the door.

"This." I answered, showing her the email.

I watched as she read it over: once, twice, three times. After the third time, I put my computer down and she started pacing. I sat at the table and watched her. I could see only the side of her face, but I could tell she was thinking of her answer. She paced for about 5 minutes before sitting to the left of me at the table fit for six people.

"Well?" I asked.

"We fight." Gene answered.

"But then he will blow up the world!"

"Not if we can get to him fast enough."

"And how will we do that?"

"The twins."

"That's what they expect us to do. They will be prepared for that."

"Okay. Then we send someone over to sneak past the guards and get to Max to stop him."


"Me." Gene answered.

I became silent. I didn't know how to answer her. What would I say? That we could send Ryan and not her? No, she would want to protect him. Jack? No, she would protect him too.

"You don't think I should do it, do you?" She asked.

"No I do. I just was thinking of how you would do it."

"You're lying."

I sighed. "I know. I just don't want you to do it."

"Why? I am perfectly capable of doing it!"

"I know! I just don't think you should. Max would want you more then any of us. Me too. That's why I wasn't volunteering to do it. Think about it. You can heal really fast and help other people heal fast and I can look like anyone in the world. Don't you think he would want to use our abilities to his advantage?"

"I guess." She agreed. "But who else would we send? They would want X'zaver too."

"I'm not saying you can't do it. I'm just saying you should be careful when you do so."

"Okay. Then that's agreed?"

"Yea. Should we tell the others?"

"Yes. They should know."

"Then let's go." She said, getting up.

We gathered everyone around the fire pit and told them what the email said. Then we told them out answer. They were speechless the whole time we spoke. Finally after a couple minutes of silence, Jack spoke up.

"Have me do it." He said. "Don't make Gene do it. Please."

"I want to do it." Gene acknowledged. "I don't want you to g t hurt. I can heal faster than any of you. You know that."

"Okay. He sighed. "I'll let you do it. Just be careful."

"I will." Gene smiled.

"Anyone else dislike the plan?" I called. Everyone shook their heads. "Okay. Meeting dismissed."

We then left to eat lunch. After lunch, we trained. We only had two weeks to do so. I cooked pasta for dinner. We are in silence. After dinner, we swam for a little bit before going to bed. We trained all of the first week too. By the end of that week, we all felt ready for battle.

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