Okay...I knew Marco wasn't gay...but from the way these guys were hugging...

"Is this her?" A deep, gruff voice questioned.

My attention snapped itself free from my wondering thoughts as Marco led the man towards me. As he neared I was able to make out distinct characteristics that I hadn't noticed before. Like his vibrant, electrifying blue eyes placed above the most structured jaw line I had ever seen and his coal black hair that was tossed about his head almost as if he had just rolled out of bed. And damn, this man was muscular. His arms were huge and his torso angled into a 'V' shape that made me almost drool. And oh my goodness, that smile. He had dimples even deeper than Marco, yet somehow they looked strangely familiar.

This man was a god.

"Yes, this is Harmony Croft." Marco announced, his dark eyes alight and glinting in joy.

The man reached a hand forward, his smile broadening, "It's nice to finally meet you. You're all Marco has ever talked about, though I don't think he ever actually met you until only a couple months ago right?"

I felt myself nod and I reached up to shake his hand, which enclosed mine completely. I would have returned the words of kindness, but I had no idea who this man was. I looked to Marco for an explanation and he laughed at my confusion.

Marco came to my side and helped me onto my feet, actually it was more like foot since I could only stand on my left leg, "Harmony, I want you to meet Ryder. My cousin."

And suddenly it all clicked in my mind. The story Marco had told me when I was in the bath tub and he had forced his way into my bathroom, it had been about him meeting his cousin. This was him, this was Ryder. The MMA champion fighter. The man who had been shot but lived to tell the tail about it. The man Marco worshiped.

"Holy shit." I breathed, my eyes widening until they could no further.

Ryder laughed again, it was a hardy sound that abruptly made me want to smile but I was in too much shock to change my countenance. Ryder turned to Marco, "I see you've been talking about me as well. What kind of stories about you been telling?"

"All good ones, I assure you." Marco responded happily, wrapping his arms around my back for support.

Ryder turned back to face me and I was finally able to rip my face out of it's temporary state of shock and replaced it with a smile of my own, "Marco has told me all about you! I can't believe I'm meeting you...but wait, that means we're in..."

I looked to Marco for confirmation and he nodded as he laughed once again at my reaction, "Yes Harmony. We're in North Carolina. I figured it'd be a good break from everything going on back at the academy. And there's no where safer in the entire world than here with me and Ryder."

"Not to mention everyone in the fights, they've been dying for some action. Just wait until I tell them about the assassin's coming after you. I could name about ten guys right now that wouldn't even question jumping into a fight whether your life was in danger or not." Ryder piped in, grabbing our bags and throwing them all over his shoulder as he began loading them into his jeep. He spoke so casually of the people after me, almost as if death and danger were an everyday occurrence for him.

I nodded at Marco as he practically carried me to the jeep, "Your cousin is impressive."

Marco chuckled, "Hey, he has a girlfriend remember? He's off limits to you princess."

And I felt another wave of excitement sweep over me as Marco lifted me into the jeep, I'd get to meet Emma too. Marco had spoken so fondly of her and now I had the chance to meet Emma. I had been surrounded since day one by people who knew how to fight for themselves and protect others, so it would be nice to talk with a girl who had been in my position. Who had been as helpless as I was but was still able to survive in a world where she didn't belong.

For Her HonorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora