Author Spotlight: Dlcroisette

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This month's spotlighted author is @Dlcroisettewith their story True Blue - A Romance

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This month's spotlighted author is @Dlcroisettewith their story True Blue - A Romance

This month's spotlighted author is @Dlcroisettewith their story True Blue - A Romance

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What sparked the inspiration to write the story?

I'm a fan of Jane Austen's Persuasion, the second chance romance where after being jilted, the hero went off to join the Navy. While the story takes place 200 years ago, the themes of holding on to love and how the Military gave the hero a home in his time of need stuck with me and I thought I could translate them to modern times. Plus give the opportunity to see the situation from both characters POV. It's not a direct translation and soon Finn and Emily started taking on a life of there own, but the core second chance, it's always been you romance is there.

What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?

I was a silent reader for many years. A friend of mine dared me to write a romance story and I wanted some feedback from an anonymous source to see if my writing would interest anyone. Writing on Wattpad, posting once a week, has helped me hit "complete" on my books and I found a community of authors and readers like no other.

Budding authors face countable hindrances, what hindrance(s) did you face the most?

Ah, the impostor syndrome hits us all at some point. I am not immune and many times think my writing is not hitting the mark and nobody would be interested in the story I'm trying to tell. Luckily, Wattpad is an amazing platform where readers can tell you exactly what they are thinking and those stars and comments kept me going. Turns out some people did want to read my story.

Negative criticism is inevitable, how do you deal with it? And what would you suggest the others do when faced with such? 

I try to find the perspective of the criticism and see where they are coming from. Is this about me and my writing, the story or something else? If there is something I can learn from those comments I often ask a reader for more information. Many times we've struck up a conversation and my writing is better for it. Other times, I take the negativity for a differing opinion and move on. My advice to others is to not react immediately. Take a moment and consider what the reader is saying to you. If there is good to take from the comment, maybe make an adjustment. If not, move on. It's perfectly normal that not everyone will love your work.

What according to you sets Military Fiction apart from other genres? 

Although I myself have never served, I have a few acquaintances who have and I find there are character traits and plot points from the Military that translate into Military stories that you don't see or expect in other fiction. One of these is loyalty, a common theme in my stories. Whenever I start reading a Military Fiction I instantly connect with the member that is serving or served because I know there is a fidelity trait inside them.

What do you feel is the biggest myth about writers?

My friends and family who do not write have this notion that I have tons of time on my hands and spend a few hours every now and again at the computer writing my stories. In reality, writing is hard work, and the first draft is never the final draft. There's editing and rewriting and editing and proofing and more editing and...well you get the point.

Your go to cure for a bad day?

My cure is re-reading a favourite story or part of a story. Diving into a book I know has a happy ending or is beautifully written lets me escape my head or my situation and there is comfort in knowing how everything turns out.

How do you avoid or get out of writers' block?

Unfortunately, for me, the only way out of writer's block is to push through it. I try to write something every day. Even if it's only a sentence. I think writing is like a muscle and you have to exercise it or lose it.

Any advice for your fellow/new writers?

Do it. What ever is holding you back or stopping you from hitting publish, writing that next book or chapter, push it aside and get to it. That story idea came to you for you to tell it. Somewhere, someone wants to read your story.

What's your message for our readers?

Thanks for being here. Take a look around and try out a story or two. The world of Military Fiction is full of engaging characters, twisty and turny plot points and countless adventures. Enjoy!

We're delighted to have @Dlcroisettewith as one of our spotlighted authors! Interested to know how you can become one?

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