Chapter 1 • the abyss attack

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Y/n Pov:
I woke up to hearing screams outside my house, i peaked out the Window in horror to see the town being attacked. The attackers were monsters from the Abyss order, even though i didnt have much fighting skills i couldnt just watch the town i grew up in get destroyed. I had an electro vision and i used a polearm, so even if i dont have much fighting skills its still enough to defend myself with.

I quickly ran outside to try my best in defending the town, I knew i couldnt take on all of the enemies that were here but i could atleast try to take down as many as possible.

I decided it would be best to get the hillichurls out of the way first, since they are the weakest.

"Get moving!" I yelled as i used my elemental skill against the hillichurls, there were 7 hillichurls in total and i killed 4 of them meaning there was still 3 left.

I had to wait a few seconds until i could use my elemental attack again so i had to think. I couldnt just charge straight in with my polearm since im still unsure on how to weild it, but what other choice did i have?

I didnt have much time to think since the hillichurls were still attacking me and the other monsters around me were starting to notice i was there.

The chances of survival in this situtation are very low but i'll give it my best shot..

It was very risky but i charged at the hillichurls with my polearm and started attacking. To my suprise it was actually going very well and soon enough the 3 hillichurls had been killed.

I was about to celebrate but then i realised that the monsters around me started walkkng towards me. This was not good news, if they attacked i would be sure to die. I could only hope that i would survive with large injures instead of a gruesome fate.

Just then i felt a strong wind starting to form, i thought i was dying but i was suprised to say the least when i heard a voice.

"Do not fear, help is here!" I turned around to see a guy that looked like he was a bard. And what was even more suprising was that he killed off all of those monsters like they were nothing but some filth in his way.

It was kinda suspicious how he was so strong but who cares? Atleast i didnt die right there.

When all the mosters had crumbled to nothing but dust i got a good like at the guy, he looked like he was kinda young but i felt like he was older than he looked.

A strange knot started forming in my stomach, this feeling.. its almost like dread.. do i fear this man? Is it because he was overwhelmingly strong? That has to be it. Im just intimimated by his strength.

I only Gave the male a simple nod yes as an answer since there was something off about this bard. Bards shouldnt be this strong.

"Do you live in this... well uhm..village?"  He asked. I was confused as to why he sounded so hesitant when he said the word village but i quickly understood when i looked around.

The whole town was in ruins. My whole body felt weak and i felt liquid running down my cheeks. I was crying. Its not that weird though, after all i have lived all my life in this village and now, its just some dusty old stone walls left.

I will never forgive the Abyss for what they've done to my home. I swear my vengance, right here and now.

I Then quickly stod up realising that there might still be people around here, including my family. I started running towards their house only to see their dead bodies. I was to late.

It was a gruesome sight to say the least. Mh fathers head was laying 3 meter away from his body, and my moms facial expression shows terror even after death. She had a large hold in her chest, One of the larger Monsters must've punched a hole in her stomach..

I was in despair, i had survived but at what cost.
To my suprise the boy form earlier came up to me and pulled me into a warm embrace and saying comforting words like "its going to be okay" and that he is here for me.

I loudly sobbed into his chest while he comforted me. It was weird, this stranger that i just met is just letting me cry into his chest. He must be a very kind person with a pure heart.

But the feeling of me being unsafe never disappeared and as soon as the bard looked at me i felt a bit... scared?

Venti pov:

why do i care so much about this girl ive just meet. I mean sure i would care for a person that just lost their entire village and family but, this feels diffrent it feels like i have a need to protect her from all evil and keep her by my side forever.

"Can i know you're name?" the girl muttered in between gut- wrenching sobbs.

"My name is venti, whats yours?" I answered. I felt extra happy because this is the first word she has said to me. Shes basically opening up to me already!

"Its (Y/n) (L/n)" she answered. She slowly wiped off the tears from her face and it was only then i noticed.. her beutiful features, her eyes, her lips, her nose, her eyebrows... they were all so incredibly perfect.

Thats when i finally knew. This is what people call.. love at first sight.

The urge to wanna to hold her closer and protect her started to echo more and more through out my body.

I want Her all to myself. Mine.



Heya there fellow reader, I just started rewriting this a bit because my grammar was really bugging me. English isnt my first language so please bare
with me here. </3

Anyways im thinking about fixibg up the other chapters aswell, im also writing a chapter right now.

I got a lot of yandere x reader books in my drafts, might post one of the books soon. A little Yandere for all of you Horror movie lovers! ❤️

Latest updated: 31/12 00:15.
Words: 1084

Obsession•  yan!archons x fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora