20. Hard to See

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Once he was tied securely, Elwin snapped out of his daze. "Stop!" he shouted, rushing forward, but before he could do anything, Wormtail shoved him to the ground, trapping him with a spell. He couldn't move a muscle. A hissing started up again, but this time, he saw the source. A large snake was slithering its way toward them. It moved closer and closer before sliding over Elwin's leg. His heart trembled. It continued moving until it had reached Harry. 

Wormtail returned, dragging with him a large, stone cauldron. Once it was in place, he lit flames beneath it. The snake slithered away again as the liquid in the cauldron not only began to bubble but shoot out sparks and steam thicker and hazier than any Elwin had ever seen before. 

"Hurry," Voldemort ordered. 

"It is ready, Master," Wormtail said. 

"Now..." said the cold voice. Wormtail quickly unrobed him, causing Harry to let out a shocked cry through the muffle Wormtail had stuffed in his mouth. Elwin began fighting with every ounce of his willpower against the enchantment that held him captive, but it was all for nothing. He watched as Voldemort was lowered into the potion with a hiss. 

Raising his wand, Wormtail said, "Bone of the father, unknowingly given. You will renew your son!" Dust rose from the ground at Harry's feet, moving with the motion of Wormtail's wand as he added it to the potion. Drawing out the same knife he had accidentally cut Elwin with, Wormtail stuttered, "Flesh of the servant, w-willingly given - you will - revive - your master." Elwin was forced to watch as Wormtail stretched out his hand over the cauldron and raised his knife. His stomach turned horribly as he watched the hand fall with a great splash into the potion. 

The scream that left his lips froze Elwin's blood in his veins. Sobbing and wincing, he then approached Harry. Not a sound could leave Elwin's lips. 

"Blood of the enemy...forcibly taken...you will...resurrect your foe." 

The blood turned the potion a blinding white. Elwin held his breath, hoping, wishing with all that he had that Voldemort had died, that something had gone wrong. He even dared to hope for a moment it was true, but then, the potion sparked and hissed once more. With a violent outpour of mist, a skeletal figure rose from the cauldron. Bile rose in his throat once again. 

"Robe me," Voldemort ordered. Elwin could hear the sound of Wormtail obeying, but the mist blurred his vision too much to see anything. 

Voldemort stepped out of the cauldron as he examined his new body. Everything about him was spidery and made Elwin's skin crawl. Reaching into his pocket, Voldemort drew out his wand, pointing it at Elwin. Instantly, he felt his body loosen as he collapsed fully on the ground. Almost instantly, he jumped to his feet, intent on grabbing Harry and running, but before he had taken a step, Voldemort shouted, "Cruicio!" 

Elwin screamed, falling to the ground with a cry so terrible he himself was daunted by the sound. The pain was unbearable, all-consuming and beyond anything he had ever dreamed. His mind blocked out his vision, his hearing, his very thoughts. There was nothing other than pain. When the spell stopped, Elwin was left shaking on the ground. Everything hurt. It was the worst ache he had felt in his life. 

"You will swear loyalty to me," Voldemort said in his soft, low voice, lowering into a crouched position at Elwin's head. "You know what happens if you don't." Elwin couldn't speak. He couldn't even remember now what his grand plan was to escape this monster. "Do you swear it?" 

"No," Elwin said, his voice barely above a whisper. 


Elwin screamed again. Voldemort let up sooner this time, but the residual pain was worse. 

"Have you reconsidered?" Voldemort asked, hovering the tip of his wand down Elwin's cheek. 

"Let me see her," Elwin whispered. It was barely more than a breath. "Just let me see her. Prove to me you actually have her." 

Voldemort was silent a moment before he straightened, turning to Wormtail. 

"Fetch the girl. Be quick." 

"Master...please...please," he begged. 

"Oh, yes. Of course, you are right, Wormtail," Voldemort said. "Come here." 

"Thank you, Master," Wormtail said in relief, but as he held out his stump to Voldemort, he was instantly ordered to show the other arm. Raising his long forefinger, Voldemort pressed it into a large, red tattoo on the arm. Wormtail screamed, nearly falling to the ground. 

"How many will be brave enough to return when they feel it?" he wondered aloud. "And how many will be foolish enough to stay away?" 

No one made a sound. 

"Wormtail," Voldemort snapped. "Fetch the girl." 

Sobbing, the wretched creature got to his feet and began the walk to the house. Voldemort began to pace, seemingly deep in thought. Suddenly turning on Harry, he remarked, "You stand, Harry Potter, upon the remains of my late father. A muggle and a fool...very like your dear mother. But they both had their uses, did they not? Your mother died to defend you as a child...and I killed my father, and see how useful he has proved himself, in death..."

Voldemort laughed. It was high and cold and cruel, making the hair on the back of Elwin's neck stand on end. 

"You see that house upon the hillside, Potter? My father lived there. My mother, a witch who lived here in this village, fell in love with him. But he abandoned her when she told him what she was...He didn't like magic, my father...He left her and returned to his muggle parents before I was even born, Potter, and she died giving birth to me, leaving me to be raised in a muggle orphanage...but I vowed to find him...I revenged myself upon him, that fool who gave me his name...Tom Riddle..."

He paused, tilting his head slightly in consideration as he continued to pace. 

"Listen to me, reliving family history," he said with faint amusement yet still undeniable coldness in his tone. "Why, I am growing quite sentimental. But look, Harry! My true family returns!" 

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