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Klaus hated that he was hiding this from his wonderful mate. This caused him to tell her the truth. "Carolyn, love, I can't hide this from you." He says as she looked up from reading. "Love, mother turned Alaric into and original vampire hunter. He's hunting myself and my family."

"No. If you die than I'll be right behind you, even if you do turn me." Carolyn says as tears fell. "I-I can't lose you. I love you."

Just those words made him think of something. "I have a plan, but Caroline may not be too happy about it."

"What plan?"

"I'll talk to Tyler. Make Alaric think he had killed me."

Carolyn looked at him unsure about this. "Klaus, please don't go through with this. I love you too much and if you die, I rather be dead."

"Love, I'm doing this for us. I'm protecting you and hopefully one day, our child." He says moving her hair from behind her ear. "It's time to end mother once and for all." He kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you." She says.

"Just stay here and stay hidden."

Carolyn nodded as she watched him leave, but he should know better, she will do whatever it takes to keep this from happening.
When Caroline called and told her to come to the school, Carolyn did just that. "Hey." She says. "What's up?'

"We all have to work together, but um...Alaric has Elena." She says. "He's using her to lure him out."

Carolyn was confused. "That's not going to lure him..."

Alaric grabbed Carolyn causing Caroline to scream out. "Thank you for luring her out. Elena wasn't my target. Carolyn was."

The twins looked at one another as he left with the blonde causing Caroline to make a call that will change everything for her sister. Something she knows she will have to be there for. "Klaus, it's a trap, but Alaric has Carolyn."

"How did he get her?"

"I thought he had Elena and that Carolyn could help me. I'm so sorry. Elena isn't even here."
Inside the classroom, Carolyn knew she had to get out of here. First, she needed to make sure that Klaus stays for away from the school. "You know. At first, I was going to use Elena, but then I remember you. You're his mate and I can kill you and he will die with you."

"Please don't." She begged. "He's all I have. He was there when everyone went against me. Used me, even you, and yet, you betrayed everyone. Why you?"

He shrugged as he continued waiting for Klaus. Carolyn stood up and shoved Alaric before running out of the room. She knew she was being stupid, but she kept running. Klaus saw her and grabbed her. "Ahh!"

"Baby." He says. "It's okay, love."

She looked at him. Carolyn kissed him just for her to hear a grunt. She pulled away. "Klaus?" She says as his skin turned gray. "No." Carolyn laid his body down and looked at Damon as she felt weird. "Why?"

Damon watched as Carolyn passed out. He looked at the two. "That didn't work out the way we thought." He mumbled. "At least his not dead."
Standing at Klaus' coffin, Carolyn kept her hand on his as Damon explained the plan. "Why him?' She says. "Damon, you don't see how much this hurts."

"You can stay here, but if Alaric arrived, you better run."

"Never." She says as her eyes turned gold. "Let that bastard come because I will make sure he dies."

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