twelve, confessions

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[chapter twelve]

Escapism[chapter twelve]

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Aisha sat on the edge of a cliff in the woods thinking over all that had happened these past few days. Losing Ben and Alby, liking the boy she was supposed to hate, killing a Griever, finding a way out of the glade and Gally being her least favourite person at the minute.

"How you doing" the voice of a boy walking over to her questioned. She looked up to see Thomas stood hands stuffed in his pockets as he smiled down at her. "Did you follow me here" she asked as he walked over to sit down next to her.

"No, Minho told me this was your favourite spot to go when you were upset" he shrugged his shoulders fiddling with his hands half expecting the girl to threaten pushing him off the cliff.

"Snitch" the mumbled to herself annoyed that the boy had given away her secret spot. "I'm sorry about Alby, I really wish I could have saved him" he sighed running a hand through his hair as he watched the girl play around with the knife she held in her hand.

"I'll be fine, I'm used to it all now, I've lost so many people over the years" she smiled hiding her pain and pretending everything was okay. "Yeah but you shouldn't be used to it, this whole thing isn't normal, you shouldn't have to lose every person you care about" he scoffed shaking his head hating what he had caused the girl and every one else in the glade.

"I just think about the people I've still got left like Newt, Minho, Chuck, annoyingly Gally and you" she smiled and he rested his head on her shoulder as she played with his hair.

"I'm complimented, honestly thought you hated me" he chuckled and his laugh sent vibrations through her body. "I do a little" she teased and he smacked her arm playfully.

"The day you ran into that maze and saved our lives my whole mindset changed of you, at first I just thought you were some dumb stupid greenie who didn't know anything but then you were the only person who was brave enough to break every single rule we had and has now found a way out" he looked up at her as she dug her knife into the ground realising she had just rambled on about her feelings towards him.

"I guess your one of the first people I've ever put all my trust into" she admitted meeting his eyes and smiling. "We're going to do this Paige. We are going to get out this place with or without Gally" he promised her following her lead and standing back up.

She pulled him in for a hug. A hug she had been deprived of for years. And it actually felt nice. He was the first boy since she had gotten here that she shared any form of physical contact with.

She pulled away from the hug and he cupped his hands on her cheeks. Her breath hitched in her throat as his leaned in and his lips touched hers. It took her a second to take everything in before her eyes fluttered shut and she started to kiss back. When the kiss started to deepen she quickly pushed her hand into his chest stopping it.

"Gotta head back before Gally kills us himself" she laughed patting his shoulder and running through the woods leaving Thomas stood there taking in everything that had just occurred within them 20 minutes.

"Okay so who made a move on who" Newt asked when they both walked out the forest side by side smiling with each other. "What" Paige spluttered not expecting to see the blonde boy stood there with raised brows waiting for them.

"No one made a move on anyone Newt, go away" Paige scoffed not liking the fact that he remained stood there looking as if he was interrogating the pair.

"If that's what you want me to believe" he winked moving aside for them to walk off but chasing after Thomas who walked slower than Paige did. "So" Newt whispered so Paige couldn't hear.

"No" Thomas answered bluntly walking off as well leaving Newt stood by himself smiling happily to himself.

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