Chapter 19

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"I would prefer that you didn't threaten Cetol; he's hardly a threat to you," Yuin declared as he entered the room. Innofe left the door open when he left, allowing the base commander to stroll confidently into the space without needing to fight the old rusted door. 

"It is not him I'm threatening. The rest of you <interfering apes> need the warning." Yellow eyes flicked over to them before Nel'os sat up, yanking the chains from the headboard in one smooth movement. "<How is a mage running an alchemist base? Shouldn't this place have blown up from the conflicting energies?>" Nel'os demanded. His eyes remained on Yuin despite switching to K'nairi. 

"I'd prefer you stick to one language as most of us don't speak yours," Yuin said, unthreatened. "And for you not to insult us."

 "<I'd like full use of my nature. We don't always get what we want, do we?> " Nel'os said, twisting his wrists and pulling the chains off. He tossed them over to Taidra.

"It's not the worst insult you have, but it's hardly polite, is it?" Taidra said, putting the chains on the bed, ignoring the AI spinning at how casually Nel'os did that. Nel'os like to make a point. This one was that even after being struck by lightning, he was stronger than anyone in the room. From how Nel'os cocked to the right, his shoulder didn't like the move he pulled. "And I know you're fluent in common tongue regardless of link or not."

The look Nel'os gave involved more fang than anyone wanted to be aimed at them. "<Fluent is a strong word. Capable is more apt.> Come here, little traitor <scum>, you can be useful. Clean my wings." 

Cetol snapped to action and obeyed. He gingerly moved behind Nel'os and combed through the man's feathers to pull twigs and leaves out. Nel'os measured Yuin up in one slow but meaningful checkout, dismissing Innofe in less than a microsecond. Innofe's face turned red at the lack of interest Nel'os showed to him. 

"Are you trying to pretend that you aren't fluent without the link?" 

"Everyday things, but not more," Nel'os said, stretching his neck and rubbing his shoulder. His face turned more feverish, and his eyes weren't focused, but from his posture, he remained a person of power. "Ask Taidra how much K'nairi he understands without his thing." Nel'os gestured at his head and twisted his hand.

"Chip," Taidra offered. 

Nel'os nodded and repeated the word to solidify it in his mind. His eyes glazed more, and his cheekbones turned redder. His wings trembled, lowering before rising back into place. His shoulders had a similar movement where his injured shoulder remained lower with his other one pressed forward as if he was protecting it. 

"Here, drink this," Brett said, passing over some water and some pills. 

"Where did you become a medic?" Nel'os asked, holding the pills and studying them as if they'd declare themselves and their intentions. 

"The Capital Circle. I passed with a purple band," Brett said smoothly, as if Nel'os wasn't questioning his qualifications. "I decided to focus on coastal medicine and wanted to work with the sirens. Sadly I didn't pass their test to study with them."

"<Sirens?>" Nel'os checked, his wings tapping Cetol behind him. 

"<Yes, Royal Bonded.>" Cetol said softly, a pile of a mess next to him as he dutifully pulled more out than Taidra assumed would be hidden in the white wings. 

"Sirens like a good singing voice," Nel'os nodded and took the pills. He grimaced at the taste and drank the water. "Thank you, medic."

"I'm glad our medic's qualification met your standards," Yuin said with a hint of sarcasm. 

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