Chapter 18

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Getting Sol to get the materials to make a nest might have been premature. Brett intercepted the group at the entrance, ordering Innofe to carry Nel'os to the clinic room. Brett's domain sat deep in the base, accessible by a long corridor that was easy to cut off from the main base if the Dmar ever found them and stormed the base. The corridor's walls were stained with water marks and rust. The door to the room was as old and rusted as most of the doors in the underground base, with the added feature of paint peeling from it. 

The space had a musty smell of dampness that didn't fade as they entered the clinic. The fluorescent lights cast revealed every imperfection of the space. Similar to the leading corridor, the clinic had water stains and rust, but Brett had done his best to repair the space and make it somewhere people could heal. Pipes covered the ceiling, and wires hung haphazardly where the equipment had stood.

Taidra refused to look into what the room housed before the war. He liked to sleep at night, and the room worked well as a clinic room. There were four beds set up with IV stands next to them. Metal cabinets and shelves lined the other two walls with a mix of old and new medical equipment and supplies. Some of the pills and solutions contained within had expired, but with the alchemy cities destroyed, no more wouldn't be produced. 

It took Taidra a while to reach the room. He didn't trust the lift with fresh electricity in the system. Things got glitchy when Wiljam injected new juice into the generator. When Taidra limped into the room, they chained Nel'os to one of the beds on his left shoulder. A human would be on their back, but Nel'os' wings made that complicated. They'd taken his armour off but left the underclothes.

Brett moved over to where one of the maze of pipes links to a large sink with a cracked mirror above it. He washed his hands and pushed his sleeves up, glancing over at Taidra as he leaned on a rail. "I remind you that I'm never attended the k'nairi medical exchange problem. My knowledge is limited, but anyone hit by lightning needs checking over. You and Yuin should have ordered our guest to be brought here immediately." 

"We had bigger things to consider," Taidra said, his AI taking in the movements in the room. Innofe stood guard in the corner, arms crossed and serious. Cetol sat on the bed opposite Nel'os where the man would see him if he opened his eyes. Cetol's wings sat low, and he trembled. "How is our guest?"

"Alive and currently drugged," Brett said, drying his hands and waving at Taidra to move to the beds. "Sit next to Cetol, you look about to fall."

"That doesn't answer my question," Taidra said, but let Innofe guide him over to the bed.

"I don't have any for it," Brett said, checking over his patient with steady hands and careful eyes. "Nel'os is breathing steadily, and his heart rate is strong. His shoulder is burned from the lightning, and until he wakes up from the drug, I can't be sure about any neurological damage. Innofe, come here and help me."

Innofe obeyed, and the two removed more of Nel'os clothing, and Brett started treating the burn over Nel'os' skin. "Where's Yuin?"

"Sending messages," Taidra said, arms resting under Cetol's wings and holding him close. He wasn't a good friend, but anyone could see Cetol needed some comfort. The k'nairi took the offer and leaned against him. Cetol's skin was cold against his. "This is going to change things."

"This is someone important then?" Innofe asked.

"Just a bit," Cetol croaked, his voice weighted down with too much emotion to name. Taidra rocked him. The bed creaked under them, and the pipes hissed as someone in the base used the water. Cetol didn't name him.

"Our guest is the Winglord's first bonded, Lord Nel'os."

Innofe's face twisted into a confused expression. Brett shook his head and eyed his patient again more critically. "I can see that," Brett said, continuing to treat the burn. He'd finished putting salve on it and moved to bandage up the wound. "That is going to cause a stir and a half."

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