Why should he care? It wasn't even like his Dad would notice anyway.

Carlos took the beer bottle from Tom and after a moment hesitation took a swig from it, grimacing slightly at the unusual taste, but feeling pleased with himself.

Now he really was one of the lads


George was waiting on Jelena, for another practice training session, she was doing really well since they had started almost a month ago, she had dedication and determination which were the main two things. And she was completely focused on her goal and willing to learn and try, but she always was spunky and enjoyed a challenge.

He almost wished he could let his father in on their secret training sessions, he knew he would be greatly impressed by Jelena's progress so far, and George was finding it extra difficult not letting anything slip out of his mouth to his father when they started talking shop about the trapeze and there was no one he wanted talk to more than his father about the things they were learning Jelena.

But the time wasn't right yet, and Jelena didn't want anyone to know until she had perfected the art to her satisfaction and she would feel comfortable performing in front of others.

Because of their limited time schedule, Maria and George had arranged that they take turns training Jelena, and then when they had the extra spare time the three of them worked together as well.

Today George was taking his turn to help Jelena, whilst Maria was busy training for their own flying trapeze act with her father and her Aunt Jeanette

Jelena was unusually late, but then she finally arrived flushed and a little breathless as well as looking apologetic

"I am so sorry, but father decided to try this new clown routine and our rehearsal finished a lot later than usual," she explained.

"It's ok," George smiled, realising she had probably ran across the field at top speed to get here "We still got plenty of time, just get your breath back first, I don't want you collapsing on me, whilst dangling from my feet"

"Yeah I guess you are right," Jelena laughed a little, "That would never do," she heaved in a deep breath, "As soon as rehearsals finished I just wanted to get here as soon as I could. I didn't like the idea of keeping you waiting"

"Yes I can tell," George remarked good humouredly noticing she hadn't even remove all her clown makeup properly, and there were still streaks of white near her ears and neck

"C'mere," he then ordered her in a businesslike manner, then taking a step closer to her, he pulled out the yellow bandana from his trouser pocket, which he had been wearing around his head earlier that evening.

Realising his intention, Jelena pulled a face, feeling a little foolish she had been caught out, and imagined she looked a sight with bits of unwashed makeup all over her face.

She remained still, letting his hand cup her chin so he could turn her face and get at the makeup, which he rubbed away with the corner of his bandana till all her pink flesh showed through, and the white was finally all gone

There, that's better," he smiled in satisfaction, his job done, His eyes turned to rest on hers, and she stared solemnly right back up at him. He suddenly found himself wondering had her eyes always been such a lovely shade of blue? And a little puzzled, why he had'nt noticed it before?

Jelena was'nt too sure what was going on.

One minute George was cleaning her face, and the next his dark eyes were penetrating her with a new intensity, that send a strange fluttering sensation right through her, and suddenly she was'nt sure what to say or do, so she blurted out the first thing that came into her head

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