TimeKid nodded his head, as Dream looks forward, his eyes glowing at the power that he has in his possession. Glitch is present, as his 2 eyes looked around the area that he is in. And needless to say, he is not happy. He had lost Frisk from the MainFrame Malfunction, and because of this, he is now back as his normal DT-enhanced self, where he has 21 HP and 999 DEF. This puts Glitch at a bad disadvantage, because he has now lost the boost in power that he had from before, when Frisk merged with his soul. Hopefully, the group are able to find a way to bring everything back to normal, so that he can get his powers again. And perhaps the same can be said to Dust, where he can get back the powers that he had absorbed from before, as he lost almost all of his powers, except for the Nightmare Mode power that he has, as this power did not belong to the MainFrame at all, but it belonged to something else separate from the MainFrame itself.

As everyone kept on moving, they made it to Toriel's home...but...there's no one there. It's empty. Isn't there supposed to be an IT version of Toriel, where all versions of her have fused into a single entity? If that is the case...why isn't that entity showing up?

As they looked around, Dust and Dustbelief went to look at the oven, and they see that there is Butterscotch Pie in there, the same one that normal Toriel makes. Dust, feeling like he should get it, due to the fact that his HP is constantly fluctuating and changing, takes it with him, before he then goes to the staircase, and he looks down at it. Murder won't deny it, but he feels an uneasy sense of death present inside of his mind. He has no idea what will happen if he goes down, or rather, does not know what is waiting at the other side. All that he knows, is that it will be an unpleasant experience for him.

As he looked down, Vivian hugged Murder from behind again, as her body shakes in fear. Murder, seeing this, grabs onto Vivian's hand tightly, almost as if assuring to her that she'll be fine as long as she does not think of leaving Murder's side. Murder sighed, as Vivian spoke out.

"Sans...I'm...I'm so scared about this."

Murder nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"I know. I'm scared as well. But at least we are not doing this alone. Right now, we need to find a way to fix this mess, and hopefully, it does or get any worse in this situation."

Vivian nodded her head, as she continues to hug Murder, and Murder hugs back. Murder cannot blame her for being afraid, after all that they had been through, and now this thing had to suddenly happen in their faces, all for no reason at all, except for some sick entertainment.

The group then looked at the stairs, and IT Frisk, they decided to go down. The group followed the single faceless human child, as Vivian holds onto Murder's hand, with Braixen and Ninetales staring at their sides, as all of them decide to go down akd look to see what is happening, see if there is any changes that are inside of the hallway. And just like before...the hallway is empty, there is no one there. Nothing there. Not even a single monster. It is simply just devoid of life of any sort. However...although Murder lost almost all of his powers from this...Murder...he could sense something...a magical presence...the same one from before at the beginning of this place.

As the group continued on...they went to the door...except that there is no door, just an open doorway, as they went into the other side...and they see that they are about to go to Snowdin...the home of all of the Sanses. But as they went inside...they saw that the IT Flowey is present on the green patch before them. And this time...he is holding something...a locket, in his vines. IT Flowey looks at IT Frisk, and with some limited speech, he speaks out to the IT Human.


Frisk goes up to the vines, and after a little bit, they decided to take it, and IT Flowey, he gawks at IT Frisk, and spoke out.

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