His lover is cuddle up to his warm body. They would play with his fingers or would enjoy the delicious tea that he made for them.

Around both lovers is a blanket around their shoulders, to keep all of the dangerous cold away. For hours they could sit together just enjoying each others presence.

 For hours they could sit together just enjoying each others presence

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- He absolutely loves to cuddle with you

- Albert can't imagine a delighted part of the day

The last soft sunlight is shining through the window, leaving a mesmerising scenery. A picture that is hard to forget.

A long time as past, but the two lovers still haven't separated of each other. Their cuddle sessions can go to the infinity. Just having the another in the arms is feeling like heaven.

Albert has them gently in his arms. Their head rests on his neck leaving light kisses from them there. Their arm is around his body, holding him tight. You legs are intertwined together.

Albert is carefully caresses his lovers back, creating small patterns. He also would told his love how much he adores them.

Either way, they would talk about everything that on their mind, filling the quite atmosphere or would enjoying the blissful silence.

Either way, they would talk about everything that on their mind, filling the quite atmosphere or would enjoying the blissful silence

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- He isn't much of a cuddler. But if their lover wants to cuddle with him, he wouldn't say no.

- Will act grumpy, but in reality he loves it

The night has appeared and the moon is ready to greet the people. On this evening two lovers were sitting comfortable on the couch. Their souls almost touching completely.

Moran was sitting on the sofa with on arms on the back of the couch, trapping their lover into a soft hold.

His lover is sleeping on his lap. Their head laying in the crook of his neck. Their arms are hanging over his body, hugging him a few times.

Soft snores are to hear. His love is sleeping on him, made his heart melt. They trusted him, and he trusted them.

The night was taking Moran into a peacefull sleep to after a while. Together, the two lovers are snuggling further into each other, enjoying their presence more than ever.

 Together, the two lovers are snuggling further into each other, enjoying their presence more than ever

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- He loves to cuddle with you!!

- It's his favourite thing to do in this world.

An exhausting day has come to an end. The sun is slowly moving away, to make space for the moon.

It was a night were it was hard to fall asleep. It doesnt seem like that these running thoughts in your head will come to an end. But if you have a lover, then it is no problem at all to fight these thoughts.

On the bed laying two people, with a strong bound together. His lover is leaning on the bed board, running their fingers through his soft hair. This action make him sleepy than he already is.

Fred is laying comfortable on their chest, listing to their heartbeat, which send him slowly to a peaceful sleep.

If there are nights were he couldn't sleep, his love would sing a calm lullaby. Which he would do in return too. It's a little things they would always do.

 It's a little things they would always do

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- Is obsessed to cuddle with you. You will embrace each other for hours.

- Wouldn't say no to you if you asked for some

A calm aftermoon is spreading through the room. The cold air is touching their skin, which send them a shiver down their spine. This can also be caused by James running his fingers up and down the side of their body.

James is also telling them how graceful, beautiful and loving their are.

His lover is laying on his warm chest, drawing small pattern on it. His heartbeat give them the feeling that he is still here. Here with them.

Together they would lay in peace, not caring for anything but themselve. For each other.

- Sherlock will cuddle with you when he isn't busy

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- Sherlock will cuddle with you when he isn't busy.

- He really enjoys those moments with you because you don't have many of them which makes them more valuable.

The sun was high above and it was a busy day in the bakerstreet. But that doesn't matter for the cute couple. On this day Sherlock hasn't any cases to solve. So, he decided to spend time with his lover.

John wasn't currently in the flat and Miss Hudson was grocery shopping. That means that they have finally time by themselves.

Sherlock is laying comfortable on the couch, having on arm under his head and the other one is wrapped around them, so they wouldn't fall of the couch.

His love was laying on top of him, snuggling further to his warm chest. Their head was on his collarbone, to inhale his comforting scent. They napped together and just enjoyed being able to live a moment like this.

Later, Miss Hudson and John wouldn't stop talking how cute they were together. Sherlock find it rather annoying, while his lover finds it quite cute.

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