¹² Ending

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"This isn't a FUCKING movie!" Gale roars.

"But it will be." I state.

We lock eyes, and there's anger in Gale's. "You killed Dewey!" she shouts.

"Nobody confirmed his death, Gale. I'm sure he's fine." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

Gale places Sidney down on the floor. Sid is passed out, but still breathing. Gale rips a long piece of fabric off her shirt, wrapping it around Sidney's stomach. "How sweet. She's gonna die oneday, so why can't it just be today?" I say.

"Because it won't be today." Gale hisses.

"This is getting interesting, Stuart." Billy whispers to Stu.

Gale points her gun at Mickey and I.

"Sidney may not die today, but you'll die." Mickey states, shooting her in the stomach. She stumbles off the stage, falling down a gap.

Sid is still breathing.

Suddenly, she rises up from the floor, struggling. "Pyscho fuckers." She hisses. "Oh? She's awake?" Mickey says. Sidney walks infront of Mickey and I, rage in her eyes.

"You killed Randy. You killed Hallie. You killed Gale. You killed Dewey. You're both pyschotic."

"Well.. Shh. That'll be our little secret." Mickey whispers, placing the gun at his lips.

"Dewey isn't fucking dead." I state.

"He might be." Sid growls.

I drop my knife and pin Sidney to the floor, my fingers wrapping around her neck, threatening to choke her. "Get off me, you fucker! You're just as pyschotic as your boyfriend!" she yells.

"Get off her." A male voice orders. I snap my head to Billy and Stu, but they're both smirking, even Billy was laughing a little. I turn to the side, and see a familiar man pointing a gun at me. "Oh, who's this? A special guest?" Mickey asks.

"C-Cotton?" Sid murmurs.

"Get the fuck off her!" Cotton demands. "I'm warning you!"

"Mickey, help me out here." I say.

A gunshot is heard.

"Mickey!" I shout, pushing Sid away and crawling over to my friend, checking if he's breathing. He's barely breathing. He was shot in the chest. "Finish it off for me, Y/N." He tosses me the gun, and I take it.

Cotton helps Sidney up to her feet.

"Go to fucking hell, Y/N." She hisses, pulling the trigger. Suddenly I'm pushed out of the way. It was Billy.

"Billy. You joined in just to save your precious girlfriend?"

"You must've forgot, Sid. I'm a murderer aswell." Billy states, grabbing the knife from the floor and slashing Cotton's neck. He dies instantly, blood pouring out his neck

I kiss Billy on the lips. "We all go a little mad sometimes, don't we Y/N?" He whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist. I lock eyes with Sidney.

I slowly shuffle out of Billy's hold and reach for Cotton's gun, but someone else got it before me. "Let me do the job, will ya?" Stu asks. I nod.

Sid kicks Stu in the knee, and he fumbles over.

"Not today, Stuart." Sid hisses. I snatch the gun from Sidney's grip and quickly shoot her in the chest, my nostrils flaring.

"Fucker." I curse at her.

She finally collapses to the ground.

"Anthony Perkins, pyscho." I smirk, copying what Billy said a year ago.

"That's my girl." Billy whispers as he helps Stu up. "What's that?" I ask after hearing a strange noise.

"It's Gale fucking Weathers." a female voice growls. She literally crawls back onto stage, grinning, but it quickly fades. "Oh, shit. I don't have a wea-"

She's shot in the stomach.

"Bitch." Stu hisses.

Stu pulls me inbetween him and Billy. I look at each of the bodies that lay infront of him.

Cotton (don't know who the fuck he is still).



I turn behind me and kneel down infront of Mickey, kissing his pale forehead. "Thanks, Mickey." I chuckle before rising up to my feet sliding my hand into Billy's as we walk away, blood spattered over each of our faces. "Best day ever." Stu exclaims, kissing my head. Billy pulls me away from Stu, scoffing. "She's not your girlfriend, Stu. She's my girlfriend." Billy growls.

"Well.. Can we share?" Stu asks.

"Absulotely not." Bill replies, tightening his grip on my hand. "You know I don't share what's mine." He says in a menacing tone, glaring at Stu.

Sidney's POV

I wake up in a hospital bed. I glance around, no sign of Y/N and Mickey. The killers. Billy and Stu. The killers from a year ago.
Billy, Stu and Y/N are alive. And they're on the loose. Three killers. I wince as I finally remember the pain in my stomach.

The door creaks open, revealing Gale and Dewey. They both walk over to me, Gale supporting Dewey. "Are you okay, Sidney?" Gale asks. "Fine." I reply.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't get them all. Y/N, Billy, and Stu are nowhere to be seen. We can't find them." Gale states. "I'm also sorry that your bestfriend turned into a murderer." she adds.

I sigh.

"Yeah.." I murmur.

Dewey places a hand on my shoulder, a soft smile on his face. "We'll find them. And give them the punishment that they deserve, putting them in prison." he says.

That's the end of book 2! Might write book 3?
I can't watch Scream 3. I'm not even allowed to watch Scream (strict parents) but I still do, lmao. I tried to find Scream 3 on youtube but I could only find a Spanish version.

If anyone knows where to watch Scream 3 please tell me I'm begging 😭

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