¹⁰ Reckless driving

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I stand with Mickey on the road, a smile on each of our faces. I managed to sneak out the hospital earlier and meet up with him. We both put on our Ghostface costumes and peer around. Sidney and her detectives should drive past any minute. "There." I say, pointing to a red car in the distance. We wait until the car is parked to a red light, and I make my way towards the car. When I manage to sneak next to the window, my hand smashes the glass, tiny shards flying in the air. A scream is heard.

I slash the driver's neck, blood pouring out instantly. "Fuck!" a detective yells, climbing out the car. I punch him right in the face, and he fumbles over, his head hitting the car door. I repeatedly bash his head against the car, blood streaming down his forehead.

I climb into the driver's seat, starting up the car as I ignore Sidney's and her friend's screams in the back seat. I literally zoom through the streets, crashing into numerous poles, barricades, signs and other random shit. A chuckle escapes my mouth, the voice changer, that was inside my mask, turning my laugh into a deep tone. "FUCKING MANIAC!" I hear from behind after I scrape the car against another, causing sparks to appear.

Driving recklessly, I purposely bash into a metal gate, the fromt of the car smashing. My head hits the back of the seat, and it hurts like hell.
I wince, and I fall forwards, fainting.


Hallie and I breathe heavily as our heads slowly lift up. This fucking maniac crashed the car. My head hurts so much. I wince in pain, my nostrils flaring while frantic breathes escape from them. "Is he dead?" Hallie murmurs. I shake my head. "I don't think so." I reply. "He's still breathing." I add, peering at the driver's seat. "We're stuck." Hallie whispers. I place my hand over hers. "I'll make sure we get out of here alive, I promise." I smile gently.

I hit my hands over the boot window of the car, and nothing happens, just banging, that wasn't that loud. "Fuck." I curse. Hallie tries to yank open the door, but it's locked. "How we supposed to get out of here?" she asks. I peer around, and see a gap in the tiny gate thing that divided the front seats and the back seats. I grab onto it and start tearing it off. "What are you doing?!" Hallie half-shouts. "You gotta help me out." I whisper.

She helps me rip off the divider thingy. "Okay, that's good." I murmur. I very carefully try to climb through the hole, my body fitting easily. "Fuck." Hallie curses. I finally reach the front seats, staring at Ghostface. I try opening the door, but it won't budge.

As I try climb over the masked killer, I glare at the mask, breathing heavily. I can just reveal who the killer is right here and now. I can yank off that fucking mask for good. My arm shakily extends to reach it. "Don't." she adds.

I ignore her.

I must find out who this pyschopath is.

I grab hold of the mask.

Suddenly, there's a loud honk noise, causing me to gasp. I stumble back a little, almost falling into the killer. "God." I say. I attempt to climb over the killer again. "Oh my god, don't do that again." Hallie whispers.

My shaky hand reaches out to the door handle. I try to open it, but the fucking shit's locked. Tears threaten to stream down my face, but I hold them in. "Shit, shit, shit." I curse. "Go through the window." Hallie suggests, and I climb through the window, which was a success. I quickly jump out the car and immediatly try to free Hallie from the car.

It won't open. "Shit."

"You have to go through the front." I state.

"Oh, no."

"You have to do it."

She tries to open the door, failing miserably. "Hallie, do it." I say.

It takes a while to climb through the window, but she manages. I grab hold of her hand and help her to her feet. I turn to look at the killer.  "Come on, come on, let's go." Hallie whispers, pulling me away. We both run off. "Hallie." I say.

We both stop.


"I wanna know who it is." I state, my eyes wide.

"Oh, no. Come on Sid, come on. Please, let's just go." Hallie argues. She yanks my hand, dragging me away a little. "Look, stupid people go back, okay. Smart people run. We're smart people." she says. "So we should just get the fuck outta here." Hallie adds. I frown. "Hallie, I'm sick of running. If we know who it is then it's over." I argue. "We could just get the police." Hallie suggests. "Yeah, and we come back he'll be gone. I have to do this."

I push my friend away and storm over to the car. "No, Sid. Sid come back, Sid."

I turn to her, ignoring her half-yelling for me to come back. I slowly make my way over to the car. When I peek inside, the killer is gone. My eyes widen. "Oh, shit." I say.


"He's gone." I inform.


Suddenly, the killer pounces on Hallie. My bestfriend lets out a deafening scream of fear. My hands cover my mouth as I can't do anything but just watch Hallie be slashed in the throat. "HALLIE!" I screech. She is stabbed multiple times before her now lifeless body is dropped to the floor. The killer chases after me.

Not Hallie, why her?

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