⁴ A second killer

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I fight the tears that are about to come streaming down my face. I don't want to be a killer like my boyfriend. But I have to, to make sure that he stays alive. Sighing, I stand next to Stu, who was jugging down beer down his throat. "Why so quiet all of a sudden, Y/N?" Stu whispers in my ear so nobody hears.

"Sorry, I . . . I need to go back to my dorm." I murmur being walking away with a fast pace.

I don't Stu yelling my name from behind.

Suddenly, I hear blaring sirens, which causes me to speed up my pace even more. "Not the fucking police." I hiss to myself.

I finally make my way to my dorm, and I slump myself on the bed. My head falls back against the pillow before I finally release all the tears that have been forming in my eyes for the last half an hour or so. My roommate, Lucy Beckins, is nowhere to be seen. She's probably at the party. We haven't exactly bonded that much yet.

A heavy sigh escapes my mouth. I rub the warm tears from my face. It'll be fine.. Billy and Stu managed to get away with being the killer. I'm just as smart as them. I can find a way to get away with murder.

At 7:48 AM, I make my way behind the college, to meet up with the 'killer'. I lean against the brick wall and wait. I fidget with my bracelet on my wrist for a little. This place is lonely. What if it's just a trap and they'll kill me?

I sigh.

. . .

. . .


. . .

. . .

. . .


They should be here any second now.

"Y/N L/N. You actually came. I thought that I'd have to kill your boyfriend, you know." a voice murmurs. I snap my heard to the side and see Mickey.


He was the killer.

"Mickey? You, a killer?" I ask.

"Shhh.. Don't want anyone to overhear our conversation." he puts a finger to his lips before walking next to me, standing by my side.

"Do you know how to kill? Do you know how to handle a knife? Do you know how to run?" he asks quickly.

"Yes. Billy taught me."

I don't mention Stu.

He shouldn't know that he's still alive.

"So, did Billy kidnap you like everybody says?"

I shake my head. "No.. He never kidnapped me. He never wanted to hurt me, either. He just wanted . . . for me to escape with him." I reply.

Mickey scans my body, probably checking for marks. His lips curl in a smile. "You're pretty lucky, Y/N. That a serial killer doesn't want to hurt you."

"How did you know that I was Y/N?" I ask.

"I just did. Now, I need you to show me that you can stab real hard, and you're not afraid to do it." Mickey says, grabbing a blade from his pocket.

"Stab you? What if the people at college sees the blood?"

"Nah, they won't notice. It's fine."

He tosses me the knife, and I catch it mid air.

"Where do you want me to stab?"

"Hmm.. Let's go for the leg."

Without hesitation, I stab him right in the thigh. He almost fumbles to the ground, but he grips onto something.

It reminds me when Stu stabbed Billy so hard that he couldn't keep his balance for a few seconds. "Damn.. That was pretty deep." Mickey winces as I hand him the blade.

"Can I see if you can endure being stabbed?" Mickey asks.

"Oh.. Okay."

I take a deep breathe before Mickey stabs me in the side. I grab onto a pole, that was attached to the wall, and wince in pain. "Not bad."

"What if I don't want to kill people anymore?" I ask him.

"Then your boyfriend, gone."

My head faces the ground. "I know that you'll do anything for me not to hurt him."

I nod.

"Sooo, I guess that now you're my partner in crime."

My eyes widen at that.

I was basically a victim of the Woodsboro massacre.

And now I'm beginning a murderer.

"Okay.. So, we have to kill Randy Meeks and finish what you boyfriend didn't do a year ago. And then we'll kill Gale and Dewey, then Sidney Prescott."





I can't kill them.

But I have to.

"Fine." I say.

"Good, then I'll eliminate the other people."

I nod in confirment. Mickey's lips curl in a smile before he lets out a rather pyschotic chuckle. "I never knew that it would be this easy to get you to murder you old friends."

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