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a/n - i do want to warn you if you don't like throwing up. reader does throw up in the beginning of this. also i figured out this past few weeks that my immune system does not like me. anyways. enjoy!


You ran out of bed and into the bathroom to puke. Leaning over the toilet, you felt like everything couldn't stay inside of you. You heard footsteps coming up behind you and Bella's calm voice as they rubbed your back while you got it all out.

"It's okay. Just get it all out." you heard from him as you kept puking.

After you finished puking, you sat by the toilet looking like shit. Bella had grabbed you some water and you had drank it all. You got up and walked back to bed feeling cold. Seeing you were shivering, he put their hand against your forehead and cheeks and felt you burning up.

"Darling, you're burning up. Let's get you tucked in so you can sleep it off." She spoke while putting the blanket over you and kissing your forehead. A few hours later, you woke up and started to get up to get into the kitchen when you heard Bella's voice.

"Sit back down. I have soup and tea for you." They said while walking into the bedroom with a tray of tomato soup and chamomile tea. You smiled gratefully and accepted the tray.

"Aren't you supposed to be filming right now?" you questioned while starting to eat the soup.

"I called out. You weren't feeling well and usually you take care of me when i'm sick so i wanted to return the favor.

You looked at them with awe in your eyes and forgot that you had soup on your spoon which was hovering over your lap. The soup ended up falling off and with a splat, into your lap. You stared at it for a good minute before you heard laughing. Turning your head to look at Bella, you stared at them for a solid 15 seconds before starting to laugh along with them. They ran and grabbed a new pair of pants for you and a towel while you tried to eat some more soup and drink some tea. Awhile later, you were in a new pair of sweats and all cleaned up with most of the soup gone and some of the tea gone. Bella had set the tray on the dresser and had gotten under the covers to cuddle with you.

Feeling sleepy you looked up at them and spoke. "Thank you for being here today." With that you fell fully asleep while being in Bella's arms.

Bella laid there for a good two minutes admiring you before kissing the top of your head and falling asleep with you.

Bella Ramsey x Reader OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum