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I was now in Hogwarts. Albus introduced me as Iris Maxwell, my real last name, his grand-niece. I looked like myself but a younger version.

"School will start soon, you must go buy whatever you need." He said as he called someone named Rubeus Hagrid. He was the groundskeeper and Albus helper.

"Hello miss Maxwell."He said as he came when we were eating breakfast with professor McGonagall and professor Snape.

"Hello sir." I said pretending to be a shy teenager. I said goodbye and went to Diagon Alley

We bought some stuff and decided to eat something. I was tired. Hagrid and I talked. Then he just stared at me.

"What is it Hagrid?" I asked.

"I can't believe that I am eating lunch with the Slytherin's princess. With who was going to marry you-know-who." Hagrid whispered.

"You know who I am?" I asked.

"Of course. You are Rose Dumbledore. The girl who is immortal. The Slytherin's princess. I was a lot younger than you before I got expelled but I remember you. You always walked with such grace and everyone respected you."Hagrid said as he drank his tea.

"They respected me because of Tom. That's it" I said looking down.

"oh no! We feared Tom but you. You won our respect. You showed so much power, knowledge. You were the best in potions. You showed grace, elegance but had a glimpse of mischief and fun. You were naughty and fun.  You could have done so much in the wizarding world." Hagrid said.

"Yeah... But I fell in love and I was devoted to Tom. And look where I am. Buying stuff to go back to school to help to protect a kid that I don't even know.Just because Tom won't kill me or fight with me." I said.

"Why can he fight with you?" Hagrid asked and then I explained to him about the blood pact and my power.

"So you are powerful wizard. More powerful that you-know-who" He said looking around.

"Yes, I am but I can't show my powers and just use wand magic because I'd they discovered me, they might take me to him." I said.

"You believe Harry. That he is alive?" Hagrid asked.

"I know he is alive,. Because if  he would be dead, I would be at home with the grandkids." I said laughing at my own joke. I then looked outside the window and saw someone walk by with black suit and blond hair  Abraxas  Malfoy I thought. 

"Excuse me for a minute Hagrid..." I said as I got up and walked to catch up with the boy. I ran and then hugged him while he have me his back. 

"BRAX!!" I screamed as I hugged him, he still smelled like expensive cologne. I then felt a pair of strong arms then pushed me to the ground. 

"Get off me! You weirdo!" He said as he screamed at me, I then looked at him. His gray eyes looked at me  with hate and disgust. Then I took a good look at the boy. He looked like my Brax but wasnt him. Nothing like him. I then remember that Abraxas must be really old by now. 

"I'm sorry... I confused you with someone else" I said getting up and dusting myself. I kind of felt humiliated. 

"Well you should be sorry!" I spat at me. Then a boy and a girl came and looked at me. The boy looked at me with curiosity while the girl with disgust. 

"Malfoy, who's this?" The boy asked. 

"Some weirdo that hugged me" The blond boy. 

"You are a Malfoy?" I asked, he then must be related to Brax. 

"Yes, why?" He asked. 

"Oh nothing.... I should get going" I said as I walked back to the restaurant. No wonder he looked like Abraxas. He must be his grand-child or something. 

"Ro- I mean Iris! This here is Harry Potter"  Hagrid said as he introduced me to this by with dark hair and green eyes. 

"Oh! The boy who lived.." I said smiling at the boy. He looked shy but nodded his head. 

"I prefer to be called Harry" He said smiling at me. Then a red headed came with a girl with bushy hair. 

"Ron, Hermione... this is Iris Maxwell. Dumbledore's niece." Harry said introducing me. 

"Hello" They said as we shook hands. Then we talked a little about the school and about the houses. I learned that they were Gryffindors. In my school years, I was always wth the Slytherins but still talked with some Gryffindors. I wonder what house will I be.. 

The  next day arrived and I was already on platform 9 3/4.My heart started to flutter, remembering the few times that I was in that same platform a long time ago. Those days when I felt truly happy. When I didn't have a care in the world. When I was popular, when I felt powerful and loved by Tom. I missed those days. I missed my Tom, the Tom that I felt in love with. The passionate teenager who will do anything for me. The one that would be scary but with me, he was the sweetest. But that Tom is death, he is gone. I sometimes thought that inside of that monster hay Voldermort was Tom trapped.

"Hello, can we sit here?" Someone interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione with a boy and another 2  girls. 

"Yes.. of course" I said. 

"Are you okay?" The blond girl said in a dreamy sweet voice. I then notice that I was crying.  I wiped my tears and faked a smile. 

"Sorry... I got a memory stuck in my eye." I said. They just nodded and smiled.  Hermione introduced the boy and the two girls as Neville, Luna and Ginny.  They seem nice. 

"What house do you think you will be?" Neville asked. 

"I don't know" I said, I knew I might be in Slytherin thanks to my ambition and because I always want to be the best.  

"I just hope you are not in Slytherin" Ron said. I don't kow but I didn't like that remark. I was proud of my old house. 

"And why is that?" I asked crossing my arms. Maybe I sounded a little too harsh because everyone looked at me and then they looked at each other. 

"We don't like the snakes" Ron said rudely. 

"Well maybe because you haven't met a cool snake" I said smirking. 

"We'll see" Ron said. Then it was time to change into our robes. I went to the restroom and saw Malfoy. 

"Oh! Hello weird girl" He said, he sounded less mean. 

"Hello blondie" I said and then he gave me a soft smile but then it turned into a  frown when we heard a voice. 

"Draco, are you ready?" It was the pug-face girl. 

"Coming" he said as walked passed me. 

I then changed. My robes didn't have the house since I wasn't sorted yet.  I really missed wearing the uniform. I walked with Harry, Hermione and the rest to the castle. Then I had to be sorted and walked with the first graders. I was having a major deja-vu. It was my turn. I was feeling a little nervous.  I looked at Harry, Ron and Hermione as they looked at me. Hermione smiled at me while Ron just stared at me. I think he doesn't like me much. Not that I care. I'm  just here for Harry. 

"mmmm...I see you are back. Your mind is more mature now. You are not afraid anymore. You had gone through so much. You are still hungry for knowledge and you still are really powerful. You can take the girl out of Sytherin but you can't take the Slytherin out of the girl . SLYTHERIN!!" the hat said.

Oh well.... Hope that being a Slytherin won't make things more complicated.


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