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I walked through the heavy doors behind Albus. Everyone was laughing and talking. My heart started to beat faster. I'm not the kind of girl that gets shy but I was starting to feel the insecurities creeping in my body. 

"You have to stay with the first years, Headmaster Dippet will say some words and then the sorting will start. Good luck, hope to see you in Gryffindor." Albus said as he winked at me. 

I looked around and saw some people staring at me. I did stand out, since I was the only 16 year old around a bunch of first years. I looked around and saw him. He was staring at me while some girl was talking to him. Something in his eyes screamed  danger but something in them made me want to look at them forever. 

"GRYFFINDOR!" I heard a voice and I looked how a girl with blond hair smiled and went to sit in a table with red and gold color.  I was the only one left. How long did I stared at that boy?

"Now, we have a new student who will join us in her 6 year. She is a tranfer from the american school of wizardy and witchcraft, Ilvermorny. I hope she has a great time in his school. Now,... Miss Rose Dumbledore come take a sit." Headmaster Dippet said. 

"Dumbledore? As in professor Dumbledore?" I heard some whispers. I looked around and saw how the misterious boy looked at me with a hint of surprise in his dark eyes. I walked and sat, then a hat was placed  in my head. 

"Hmmm... hello  there. I see you have a good heart but it is not pure enough to put you in Hufflepuff. You are smart, maybe I could put you in Ravenclaw. But I see that you have bravery in your soul, maybe Gryffindor?" the hat asked. 

"I don't know where you need to put me, but I just know I want to be the best. I need to be the best, so I could-" I started but was interrupted by the hat. 

"Deffend yourself?  Yes, I see you have a lot of power in that head of yours. I see that you had suffered alot and you want to learn from the best. Then your best option is SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted and the slytherin table clapped. 

"We have a Dumbledore in the Slytherin house" I heard someone whisper as I walked and sat in the end of the table. I saw the teacher's table and saw how Albus looked at me and then gave me a smile. I smiled back and just looked around. The misterious boy looked at me and then he looked at the girl who was trying to get his attention. He whispered something in her ear and she smiled and looked at me. 

Then she and two girls came and sat infront of me. 

"Hello Dumbledore." She said, her blond hair was in curls and her brown eyes looked at me from top to bottom. 

"Hello?" I said looking at the other two girls. 

"My name is Merlina Black and this two ladies here are Amber Greengrass and Dove Rosier. What is your name?" She asked. 

"Rose Max- Dumbledore. " I corected myself. I am not a Maxwell anymore. I was a Dumbledore. 

"Well... Dumbledore. What blood status are you?"  Dove Rosier asked. 

"Why? Are you going to donate?" I asked laughing at my own joke. 

Greengrass was the only one that laugh. I was starting to like this girl. I smirk as I received a glare from Black. 

"Real funny.. I ment if you were a pureblood, half bood or a mudblood" Black said. 

"She is a Dumbledore, which is a really important family. She has to be a pureblood." Rosier said. 

"Actually I'm adopted, so I don't know. " I said looking at her. She looked at me in disgust and then walked away dragging the other two girls behind her, leaving me alone. She sat next to the group of boys and told something to the boy, who looked at me. I looked back and then he looked at gave the girl a charming smile. I rolled my eyes and focus on the food. 

"Don't pay attention to them. They all care about blood status." I heard a voice next to me. I looked and saw a boy with black hair and green eyes. 

"Yeah.. I could tell"I said smiling at him. 

"My name is Thomas. William Thomas. " He said. 

"Rose Dumbledore." I said. 

"Yeah I heard. Welcome to Hogwarts. You have your class schedule? " He asked. I was about to answer when I heard voice. 

"Ms. Dumbledore. I am professor Slughorn. I am the head professor in Slytherin. Here is your schedule. I am sure Mr. Thomas could help you get around the school." He said smiling to the boy.

"Thank you professor" I said grabbing the paper. Thomas and I looked at my schedule and saw that we had almost all the classes together since we were both in 6 year. The only class we didn't have was potions. 

After dinner, we all went to the common room. The headgirl in Slytherin took the first years and me to our dormitories. The first years all had their rooms and then she took me to the floor where the six years had their dormitories. 

"All the dormitories are occupied, so headmaster Dippet asked for you to have your own." She said opening the door and revealing a nice bed with esmerald green cover and my trunk on the side of the bed. 

"Thank you." I said. Maybe Dippet was scared that I was going to hurt someone. 

"You must rest, tomorrow you have to get up really early for breakfasr and your classes. Good luck." She said as she looked at me with a soft glare  and left.  I was starting to think I wasn't liked in this house. 

I changed into my sleeping clothes. It was colder than I thought. Maybe since we were near the black lake. I tried to sleep, but couldn't. I decided to go to the common room since I saw there was a small library. Maybe there was a book, I could get and read. I put on my robe and walked to the common room. 

I was looking at the library when I heard the heavy door opened and the misterious boy came inside. 

"What are you doing up so late? You should be in bed" He asked. I looked at him, he was cuttier up close. 

"I don't own you any explanation, but I was just getting a book so I could read before bed." I said. "What are you doing up?" I asked crossing my arms. 

"I don't own you any explanations, but I am a head boy. I need to check all students are in bed. Like you should be" He said looking at me up and down. He then looked behind me and reached for a book, traping me between him and the bookshelf. He handed me a book and left.  I looked at the cover HOGWARTS: A HISTORY.

"Thank you, Mr..." I said. 

"Riddle. Tom Riddle" He said as he opened the door for the boys dormitories and got inside. 

"Tom Riddle" I said to myself before going to my bedroom. 



- ME =)

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