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Jisung woke up on a king sized bed and looked around, of course he wasn't in his bed but on Minho's bed.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" Minho said.
Jisung looked to his left and saw Minho sitting on a couch looking at the younger one. "Why did you put me in a bedroom and not a torture room?" Jisung asked. Minho didn't answer, he stands up and leaves the bedroom. Jisung, confused, tried to rub his eyes but realized that his left hand was tied on the bed with a chain. "Of course he would tie me up." Jisung said, frustrated. Soon after, Jisung was getting so bored and couldn't even escape from the place. Suddenly, the door opened and a man entered, he went next to Jisung and said "Your lunch will soon be ready." And he left the room.
Soon after, the lunch arrived and Jisung was just staring at it. Then an idea came to his mind. "I'm left-handed, I can't eat, my hand is tied up, could you maybe untie my hand so that I can ear?" Jisung asked to the man. The man sighed and said "I guess so, but don't try to escape from me or else Minho is going to punish both of us." He untied Jisung's hand and took back steps and just watched, Jisung noticed that there was a vase on the night stand, he slowly got up of the bed, he went in front of the night stand where the vase was at.

"What are you doing, hurry and eat" said the man annoyed. But then, Jisung took the vase and threw it on the man's face, he had a good aim. The man screaming in pain covered his eye, just then, Jisung jumped through the window and landed on the floor, he had some cuts on his hands but he started to run, but something hit his mind and he directly hid behind a pillar. "Shit, the gate is closed and guards are everywhere" he said to himself as he scanned the area. Then he saw a ladder on the wall, he quickly climbed the ladder and suddenly, he heard the sound of an alarm. "Shit, I gotta fucking hurry" Jisung cursed. He then jumped off the wall and now, he was out of Minho's mansion. He started to run, it was raining so Jisung was soaked but he didn't care, he then finally arrived to his small appartement and went in. "Damn it, I almost died back there, I gotta be careful now." Jisung said. He went to his bathroom and took a shower and  put on a bathrobe. He came out of the bathroom, went towards the kitchen and took a glass of water. He went to his bedroom because he was tired and when he entered, he froze on his place. On his couch, there was sitting a peaceful man named Lee Minho, looking at Jisung with his dark eyes. "Hello Jisung" Minho said coming toward Jisung. As Minho was stepping closer to Minho, Jisung was stepping back until his back touched the wall. "So, someone's being a naughty boy huh? Didn't I already warned you? I'm still impressed how you could manage to knock out Changbin." Minho said while looking at Jisung right into his eyes. Jisung stayed quiet, he couldn't say a word. Minho then said, "Every naughty boy has to get a punishment, right baby boy?"

Jisung froze, he wanted to get out of this scene but suddenly he felt two strong arms carrying him, Minho carried Jisung to his bed and then he threw Jisung on the bed. Minho went on top of Jisung and stared at him, he was about to kiss Jisung but suddenly, cops car was heard. "Fucking hell, what the hell did you do you!?" Minho asked Jisung, "Nothing wrong, only calling cops to come and put you behind bars" Jisung answered with a smirk on his lips. Minho started laughing like a psycho, he put jisung on his shoulder and jumped out of a window where there was a car waiting for them. "LET ME DOWN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" Jisung screamed, Minho didn't care and just went in the car with Jisung, he quickly drived and they got out of the situation, Minho started "Jisung-ah, you know that nobody can catch me, you escaped from my arms but now you won't be able to and be grateful that the cops came right on time or else....." he stopped, looked at Jisung with a smirk, and continued,"or else I would have been hearing you moaning right now" Jisung said "Why are you keeping me? Why aren't you torturing me or killing me, have you forgot that im on another Mafia's side? Or are you just using me for your pleasure?" Minho answered "Have you forgot that your leader abandoned you? Your not on their sides anymore, your mine now." Jisung started crying, Minho looked behind while driving and said with a tired voice " Jisung-ah if you don't stop crying, I'll come behind and kiss you like last time" Jisung then stopped crying, there was no way that he would let the older get his lips.

Soon after, they arrived to Minho's mansion but this time, before exiting the car, Minho handcuffed Jisung's and his hand together to that Jisung can't escape anymore. Minho dragged Jisung in the room and looked at him. There was an awkward silence but then Minho started talking "You haven't got your punishment yet....I don't want to ruin you yet so shower with me"

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