Chapter Four

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What had happened earlier this morning just wouldn't leave Fleetway's mind. Did Scourge really call him cute? Why did his face start to heat up? Does he like Scourge? Fleetway hissed at that last thought. He was a murderous psychopath, there's no way he'd feel anything for anyone, let alone some one who he met just a few days ago. The golden hedgehog sighed. Well... nothing like murdering to take my mind off things..

And that's just what he did, murder. Fleetway went to a town and started murdering and destroying everything he sees. Though, it didn't work like he'd hoped, but at least it wasn't a total waist of time since murdering was his favorite thing to do. However, he kept thinking about earlier. He shook his head and looks at his blood-stained gloves. He then looked up at the burning town. "Hmmm... what a beautiful sight!" He laughs psychoticly before teleporting back to the EXE World.

Fleetway had almost instantly regreted teleporting back as it was much, much colder than it was earlier You've got to be kidding me.. He thought. Fleetway despised the cold, but he didn't feel like going any where else so he just decided to stay. He floated around, shivering violently the whole time. He found a dead tree and decided to lay down in front of it, curling up hoping that'd warm him up just a little. Though Fleetway discovered real quick that, that wasn't helping. He did an annoyed sigh and closed his eyes, slowly driffting to sleep.

Scourge was walking around bored to hell. He was trying to get familar with this new world, walking around is a good way to do that. Though Scourge noticed one thing that was a bit different; there wasn't a single house or even a cabin in this world. "So then.. if there's no houses here, does that mean everyone that's here just sleep outside?" He wondered outloud.

Scourge was remembering what happened earlier and did a small laugh as he remembered how flustered Fleetway got. "Is he really that easy to fluster? Ha! That's quite hillarious actually." He walked around and soon enough, he found Fleetway. Is he sleeping?

Scourge walked over to the sleeping hedgehog who was still shivering violently. He croutched down to more easily reach Fleetway and placed his hand on the other's shoulder. Damn.. even through my glove he feels frozen.. He takes his jacket off and wraps it around Fleetway like a blanket. He sits down next to Fleetway, his hand finding its way to the hedgehog's head. Scourge, for some reason that he couldn't explain, wanted to hear that sweet, soothing sound of Fleetway's purr.

Scourge started gently petting Fleetway's head, a small smile appearing on his face when hearing the golden hedgehog's purr. So relaxing... He thought. Scourge scanned Fleetway, noticing that he had lots of blood splattered on him. "Did he murder again-? Eh, fair enough, it's a fun hobby." Although, unlike Fleetway, Scourge doesn't destroy entire cities, just people he doesn't know or doesn't like. He also noticed that Fleetway wasn't shivering as much now.

Fleetway lifted his head slightly, his eyes remained shut as he slightly moves to the right, gently resting his head on Scourge's lap, still fast asleep and still having his head pet.

Scourge flinched a little as he wasn't expecting Fleetway to do that. He smiled as he continued to pet Fleetway, enjoying his time with him. He poked Fleetway's cheek with his free hand to try waking him up. He poked Fleetway for a while until he saw his eyes were slowly starting to open. Scourge stopped poking Fleetway, but continued petting him.

Fleetway's eyes barely opened and soon enough, he heard the sound of his purr, his face slightly becoming red. Not again... He opened his eyes, realizing that his head's on Scourge's lap. He had a surprised look on his face as he tried lifting his head up, but Scourge wrapped his free arm around Fleetway's neck, lightly bringing his head back to the emerald-green hedgehog's lap. Fleetway blushed a bit more as he tried escaping Scourge's grip, but it was no use.. he was trapped once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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