Chapter One

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It was a normal day in the Anti Universe. Scourge was doing his usual morning walk, ignoring most of the small talk that he could hear. However.. one thing interested him a little; who was this who was destroying other worlds? From what Scourge has heard is that there's someone who looks like Sonic when he's in his Super form going around bringing destruction every where they go. He's even heard that this being's name was Fleetway from some people. He decided to ignore everyone and headed into a forest, sitting in front of a tree. He did a soft sigh and closed his eyes, letting his thoughts take over.

He opened his eyes after what only seemed like a few minutes, and saw nothing but red. He scrambled to his feet, his icey-blue eyes scanned the area. This wasn't his world at all, Scourge knew that.. but where was he? He decided that just standing around wasn't going to do anything for him, so he decided to look around. "What the hell is this placed," he asked despite no one else being near him.

Scourge didn't know what to think of this place, much less how to get back to his world. It felt like he was walking for hours. He found no one in this world yet, and he was begining to think that he was the only one here. That is until he saw someone just up ahead. "Who is that...?" He asked as he got closer. "Wait.... is this... Sonic...? No... Sonic's quills aren't this spiky when he's in his Super form.. but is this who everyone keeps talking about..? Is this.... Fleetway...?"

Fleetway seemed to be sleeping peacefully, not knowing that there was someone in front of him.

Scourge tilted his head to the side and sat in front of Fleetway. He was debating if he should try waking him up or not. "Hey..." he said before he could think of anything else.

Fleetway remained asleep, his ear not even twitching.

"Hey!" Scourge said, a little louder this time. He growled out of fustration when Fleetway still wouldn't wake up. "WAKE UP!!!" Still nothing from Fleetway. "How the fuck is he still sleeping?!" Scourge placed his hand on Fleetway's shoulder, aggressively shaking him.

Fleetway's eyes bolted open as he looks up at Scourge. "AHHHH!!! What in the- WHAT THE HELL??!!"

"Hey! Don't yell at me! You're the one who wouldn't wake up!"

Fleetway growled, "why were you even trying to wake me up in the first place??"

Scourge did an annoyed sigh, "'cause you're the only other life form I've come across.. I want to know where I am and how I can get out of here!"

"Tch, well to bad, ask someone else!" Fleetway snapped as he lowers his head and closes his eyes.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes, now fuck off!"

"Asshole...." Scourge got up and grabbed Fleetway's arm, hoisting him up, and uses his other hand to grab Fleetway's throat.

Fleetway made a small, suprised noise as he wasn't expecting Scourge to do that. "Let me go!"

Scourge shook his head as a no. "Not until you tell me where I am, Target Eyes."

"Target Eyes?" Fleetway did an amused laugh, "that's a new one!"

Scourge growled, "just tell me where I am, damnit!"

Fleetway sighed, as his eyes flashed red. "Fine, you're in the EXE World.. and you can't leave unless you can teleport or have warp rings, if you can't or don't your fucked."

Scourge's ears went back as he let Fleetway go, "well that's just fantastic!" He said in a scarcastic tone.

Fleetway laughed chaoticly, "ha! Looks like you're stuck here!"

Scourge rolled his eyes, "shut up, Target Eyes."

"I have a name ya know? Use it!"

Scourge did a quiet laugh, "I know, Mr. Bringer of Chaos and Destroyer of Worlds. You, my friend, are Fleetway."

He crossed his arms, "seems like mortals from other worlds talk about me... how interesting." He looks up at Scourge, "and we're not friends."

"Well see how long that lasts." Scourge said, poking Fleetway's forehead.

Fleetway slightly recoiled back, growling darkly, "don't touch me."

Scourge ignored Fleetway's warning and poked his forehead again.

Fleetway aggressively bit Scourge's hand, "I said don't touch me!"

He quickly recoiled his hand back holding it as it started bleeding, the blood trickling down his fingers. "Geez! Do you have dagers for teeth or something!?!"

Fleetway licked his lips, getting the remaining drops off blood, "No, but they're extreamly sharp. Next time, listen to me!" He snapped, sitting down.

"No shit, Sherlock.. geez, that hurts!" He said as he sat down next to Fleetway. "You're quite crazy.."

Fleetway laughed, "I take that as a compliment!" He did a small yawn.

"Tired?" Scourge asked, placing his hand over his wound.

Fleetway said nothing as he layed down, curling up, and falls asleep almost instantly.

Scourge looked over at Fleetway, a small smile appearing on his face as he lightly rubs Fleetway's back, flinching slightly when he slightly lifted his head up, but breathed a sigh of relief when Fleetway lowered his head again. Scourge stared at Fleetway for a few seconds, before looking away and staring into the distance.

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