Chapter Three

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The night seemed to last forever, and Fleetway was still being held by Scourge, who's sleeping rather peacefully. He'd tried escaping, but he couldn't break free from the other hedgehog's grip. Fleetway had even thought about attacking Scourge to get him to wake up, but something had stopped him everytime. Teleporting wouldn't work as, Fleetway's "trapped". The spiral-eyed hedgehog did a low, annoyed sigh as he stared at the sky, that was starting to turn a blood-red.

He looked over at Scourge then back at the sky. "Almost morning..." Fleetway groaned as the sky started becoming more red. He slightly closes his eyes, slowly letting the sleep take over. Fleetway tried escaping Scourge's grip once more, but, as he susppected wasn't able to break free. He sighed and fully closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep.


Scourge slowly opened his eyes. He was trying to remember all that had happened yesterday. "Ah, that's right, I somehow teleported to a place called the EXE World or some shit." His eyes open fully and he realized that his head was resting on Fleetway's shoulder. He slowly lifts his head off of the sleeping hedgehog's shoulder, though he still held him, not wanting to let go. Scourge did a small smile, moving one of his hands to Fleetway's head. "Wow.. for someone who has very, very spiky quills, they're quite soft."

Without realizing, Scourge had begun to pet Fleetway's head. His ear twitched, as he heard a small, soft sound. He looked around to see where it was coming from; he soon looked back at Fleetway. "Hmm...?" He leaned a bit closer to the golden-yellow hedgehog and did a small chuckle once he realized that Fleetway was actually purring. Scourge let go of Fleetway, but continued to pet him and remained sitting close to him. "Wow, who knew that someone who's a complete psychopath can be a bit of a softie too."

Scourge did a small laugh. For some reason he can't explain, Scourge actually enjoys the sound of Fleetway's purr.

Fleetway started opening his eyes. He wondered if Scourge was awake or not, but he soon realized that Scourge was petting him. He lifts his head up and looks at Scourge, not fully aware that he's purring. "What the hell are you doing?"

Scourge looks at Fleetway, "don't worry about it, Target Eyes."

Fleetway aggressively grabs Scourge's wrist, glaring at him. After a couple of minutes, Fleetway's glare disappeared; he seemed to be a bit confused. "Uh.... what's that sound...?"

"That would be you purring."

Fleetway slightly tilted his head to the side. "I'm.... purring...?"

Scourge just simply nodded.

Fleetway soon realized that he was in fact purring and looks away, his face turning a bit red.

Scourge playfully laughed, "you seriously didn't notice?"

"No! How would I when I'm fucking asleep?! I hear nothing when I'm sleeping!" Fleetway snapped. He leans back to get Scourge to stop petting him, "you can stop doing that now."

"I know you don't want me to do that," Scourge said, getting closer to Fleetway, "your purring tells me that." He reatched for Fleetway's head and started petting him again.

Fleetway started purring right when Scourge started petting him again.

"How adorable~!"

Fleetway looked up at Scourge. "What..??"

Scourge leaned closer, "you're adorable~!"

Fleetway's face slightly turned a bit more red as he leaned back, "n-no I'm not!"

"Yes you are~!"

Fleetway moved away from Scourge's hand and started floating. He glared darkly at Scourge.

Scourge stood up and crossed his arms. "You're no fun.." he mumbled as Fleetway growled at him. Scourge ignores Fleetway growling and walks past him, going to explore more of the EXE World.

Fleetway watches as Scourge leaves, his growling soon stopping. He crosses his arms and looks off to the side. "What was that all about...?"

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