Damon groaned, hissing as Stefan helped him out of the car.

Stefan "Just let me carry you!"

Damon growled, but he didn't have a choice as his knees gave out. "Fine." Honestly, he didn't really want anyone touching him right now, let alone a guy.

Caroline held her arms out. "Here, give him to me." She held her arms out. "C'mon, old man." Damon grumbled but seemed to be more relaxed in her arms. Caroline smirked, happy her vampire strength gave her the ability to carry him like he was just a little kid.

Damon "She's not even here."

Stefan "Relax, brother. She said she would be back shortly, and she left us the key." Damon pouted. It was bad enough that he had to be put through this, let alone the fact that I wasn't even there to greet him. "Elena, can you start trying to find as many heaters and blankets as possible?"

Elena "On it."

Damon "I already told you, I'm not cold!" He grunted as Caroline tossed him down on the bed.

Alaric "Damon, you will be. You might feel pretty good right now with that wolfsbane in your system, but that won't last for much longer." He sat down on the bed near Damon's feet. He noticed how Damon flinched away slightly. "It's ok, buddy." He whispered.

Caroline "Look who I found," She held up a large pink teddy bear. Damon snatched it out of her hands, blushing like a fiend. He cuddled it to his chest shyly.

Bonnie "Let's get you a little more comfortable." She started to tug at his jacket but he hissed and pulled away.

Damon "Don't touch me!" He groaned, clutching at his wounded shoulder. She backed off, hands in the air.

Stefan "Are you hungry?" He shook his head.

"Too bad, baby boy. You're going to drink at least one bag for me."

Damon "Eli!" He held his arms up for a hug, eagerly nuzzling into my neck when I hugged him.

"I've missed you, kitten. We have to stop meeting like this." I kissed his forehead and Damon just completely melted in my arms.

Stefan "Thank you for meeting us. Like we said on the phone, something attacked Damon. We think it was similar to a werewolf, but none of the usual cures have worked on him and he just keeps getting sicker by the moment."

Alaric "We think we might have a lead, but we need someone to take care of him while we research."

Stefan "Someone who can handle him. Damon can be, well, Damon."

Elena "He's a whiny little bastard."

Damon pouted against my chest. "Am not..." He tensed, starting to shake slightly.

"Well, he's going to be good for me. Aren't you, sweet boy?" I kissed his temple and rubbed his back gently. He purred softly, wrapping himself even tighter around myself. I held him steady as he coughed and sniffled. He groaned, clutching his shoulder in pain. "Alright, all of you need to get a move on, and Damon needs to rest. Say your goodbyes and get to it." Alaric patted Damon's back and walked away.

Stefan put his hand on Damon's good shoulder. "We're going to figure it out, brother. We'll be back soon."

Damon "Be safe." He mumbled.

I pulled him up completely into my lap as they left, making sure that he was as comfortable as possible. "Alright baby boy, two liters."

Damon just nuzzled his face under my chin. "'M not hungry."

"You have to eat, luv. Otherwise you won't get better." I rubbed his back. "Just a liter." He shook his head no. "Damonnn."

Damon "Elizaaa." He said, but he didn't have nearly as much sass in his response as I was used to. I could tell just how sick he really felt. "It's making my stomach upset."

"Then there has to be something that sounds good. How about some soup?" He just shrugged. "Alright, first we're going to put you in something comfortable, then I'll make you some soup."

Damon "Ok."

I set him on the edge of the bed so that I could help him change into a big, soft sweater and a pair of soft boxers. The sleeves were so long that they covered most of his hands like little paws. A grey and black striped beanie and soft knee socks completed the look. He purred at the softness, already feeling better being dressed like this. I took note of the finger shaped bruises on his thighs, and the bite marks leading down his happy trail before I gently picked him up on my hip. "Chicken or tomato?"

Damon "Chicken. Can you just make me broth?"

"Of course I can, baby." I nuzzled his nose. "I'm going to set you down now, ok?" As I eased him down on the stool he shouted and wrapped his legs tightly around my waist.

Damon "No! Don't set me down!" He looked like he was going to cry and he trembled.

"Alright, hey, I won't set you down, kitten." I rubbed his back and hugged him. He still looked like he was about to cry, but as he sniffled against my shoulder he seemed to be reassured. I rocked him gently, rubbing his back and bouncing until he looked like he was about to fall asleep. Only then did I go back to cooking his broth. When it was done, I put it in a baby bottle and took him back to bed. I cradled him in my lap and eased the bottle to his lips. "Drink." Damon rolled his eyes but very gently started sucking on the bottle. "Good boy." I rubbed his belly slowly while he drank.

Once he had finished, Damon snuggled back into my neck but I felt him frown. "Tissue please." He sneezed loudly and I grimaced, feeling snot all over my shoulder. The vampire looked absolutely mortified. "Oh, Liza..." He quickly started to try and wipe it off. "I'm so sorry!"

"Dae, baby, hey," I gently grabbed his wrist. "It's ok. I know you didn't mean to baby, you're just sick. It's ok." I noticed how he was trembling and he looked like he was going to cry again. I ever so gently kissed the inside of his wrist. "What's wrong?" I whispered.

Damon closed his eye, whimpering. "I'm sick, and I'm-I'm scared, Mistress." He whispered. He looked ashamed. "I- he- I-" He choked out a sob and clutched at the front of my shirt.

"Oh, my sweet boy..." I looked him over, really taking note of everything about him. Every new little scratch and scrape, the bruises on his thighs and hips and around his face and neck, the giant bite on his shoulder. "I'm only going to ask you this once and I need you to be truthful. Did he rape you?" Damon choked but nodded, unable to meet my eyes. "Listen to me, lovely." I tilted his head up. "That doesn't matter. You're still my wonderful, sweet, amazing baby boy, and nothing will ever change that. I'm going to take care of you, and hold you, and cuddle you, and make everything alright again. It's going to be ok, my sweet, brave boy." And that was all it took for him to completely break down. Damon started to completely full on sob his eyes out as he clung to my chest. He sounded like a wounded animal as he wailed. I just held him tight, rocking him until he calmed down and was just laying against my chest, completely limp and exhausted.

Damon "They can't know about this, please!" His voice was raw and broken.

"They don't have to know everything if you don't want them to, but Stefan knows, and I'm sure Caroline can smell something different about you as well. That wolf tried to claim you, that's why you're so sick. You'll have to let the venom work its way out of you from your very core. It should only take a few days."

Damon "I hate this." He pouted up at me.

"I know, mi amor. But, we're going to get you all cozy and have a nice nap, and then you'll be all ready to have some real food, alright?"

Damon "Yes please, Miss." He tucked his head under my chin held onto my shirt so tightly that his knuckles were white. "Hold me while I sleep?"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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