Fuck around and find out

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"Alright, y'all. Let's get y'all back settled." Sully says and parks the car.

All three of us get out and Sully and Geo grab the two suitcases. I open the front door and there isn't a single spec of blood anywhere. It looks exactly how it did before all of this bullshit happened. It smells fresh too.

"Hey, G-" I start and begin to turn around but when I do, Geo looks sick in the face again.

"Hey, man. You good?" Sully asks.

"Yeah... I'm all good." he nods and sets over the threshold.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah. I need to lay down, that's all. Thanks, Sully; for bringing us home. We're good now." Geo says as he reaches out for a dap.

Sully daps him up, "alright, I'll see y'all whenever."

I wave and he steps out and closes the door.

"So... bath?" I ask Geo.

He smiles a little bit, "yeah."


"What is wrong with you?" Geo asks.

"What do you mean?" I question back while wiping my bubble mustache off.

He looks at me a little longer before he starts to cackle.

I'm glad he's laughing now because he's been looking like a lost puppy lately.

He notices that I'm not really smiling with him and that makes him ask, "what's the matter?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He sighs, "so you picked up on it, huh?"

"You're my boyfriend, Geo. How could I not? You've been off for the past couple of days. What's wrong?" I sit up off my butt and crawl on top of him.

"Everything. I'm stressed out, princess. I feel like I should be doing more for you; to keep you safe, and I'm not. It just feels like something's off." he admits and wraps his arms around me.

"Why do you feel the need to protect me so much? My father's out of prison and my brother is always on my ass. They can protect me. The burden isn't all on you. Plus, I can and am learning how to take better care of myself." I say.

"You're my girlfriend, Kia. And my future wife. And the mother of my future kids. I'm your boyfriend; it's my job to protect you."

I cup his cheeks with my hands and lean in to kiss him.

He reacts fast and pulls me close: "I like when you kiss me." he says.

"I like kissing you." I say back.

His hands move from my waist down to my ass and he starts to caress it, "uh uh. I'm sensitive." I say. No, actually. Everything from my ass on down is ridiculously sensitive for no reason.

"I can tell by the way it clenched up," he laughs.

"Stop!" I playfully smack his shoulder.

He laughs harder, "I'm sorry, princess. Let's wash up so we can lay down."


I sigh heavily as I belly flop onto our bed, "oh, God, I missed this." I say into the pillow.

"Me too," Geo says and slips under the covers.

I get under them too and scoot over so that I'm damn near in his skin.

"Dang, girl," he says.

"What? You're confortable to me."

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