I apologized

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Geo swiftly grabs my waist and pushes me aside, behind the door gently as he slyly closes the door so it's just cracked.

"Hey, Jay-Jay... what are you doing here?" he asks while not taking his hand off of me.

Jay-Jay? Pet names, huh?

"I made you some cookies and wanted to drop them off. Can I come i-"

"No! I'm uh... about to shower and I have water running. Sorry, but thank you for the cookies." he grabs them and then shuts the door.

"Jay-Jay?" I question.

"She asked me to call her that, I promise." he sets the cookies on the counter.

I didn't think this would bother me so much but it is. It truly is. But it's fine because I know he loves me. I'm gonna have to learn to put up with it until the mission's over.

"Okay." I head for the stairs.

"Princess, stop." Geo demands.

I hear his footsteps creep up behind me and then I feel his hands grab my arms.

"I know you're upset, my love and I'm sorry."

That's all he's been saying to me and I feel bad.

"Stop apologizing, Geo. It's not your fault." I say sincerely.

He lets go of my arm and takes his left hand and grabs my right one.

"Turn around, princess." he demands.

When I turn around he's on his knees as if he's about to beg.

"I'm sorry, baby. I really am."

I laugh at his stupidity, "stand up, babe."

"Babe? Did you just call me babe? I like it." He stands up with a smirk.

"Yeah?" I tease.

"Yeah," he smiles as he kisses me.

We peck our way into an actual kiss. His tongue and mine are dancing in sync. Before the kiss is over, I run my tongue across his teeth. I'm not sure where I picked that up, but I loved it when it was done to me.

"Mmm, girl," he laughs, "that was hot. Do it again." he leans in for another kiss but I back away while laughing.

The door gets knocked on again, "it's us! Open up!" Kai shouts. The hell is he yelling for?

I open the door, "what? Why're you screaming like that?"

He steps aside and reveals my friends. Tuh.

"Kia..." Keisha cries.

I can't believe these bitches. I get I ignored them for days, but I apologized as much as I could I went to see them. And they didn't let me. I get it though, I wouldn't have saw me either but once I would've gotten the text messages I sent them, I would've called.

I texted them about me almost getting raped, I texted them about Geo, I texted them about what my mother said but I didn't text them about her dying. And that's probably why they're here.

"What?" I question rudely.

"Girl, we heard what happened. Why didn't you tell us?" Mea asks.

"Bitch. I called y'all back after I cooped myself up. I tried to apologize day after fucking day and you STILL ignored me which is some-fucking-what understandable. But did you not see my fucking messages of me telling you how I almost got raped?" I shout.

They both look at me like I said something offensive to them, "you ignored us first!" Keisha yells back.

"I know that and I'm fucking sorry! I was going through something at the time and wasn't in the right head space but I tried to apologize and you wouldn't let me!"

"Because you ignored us!" Mea shouts.

"How many fucking times are you gonna say it?! Even if I were to be mad at you, I would've broken my fucking back to call you if you said you almost got raped!" I shout.

"Baby, calm down before your veins pop." Geo rubs my shoulders.

"No! They really think they're fucking right and it's pissing me off! Why're you fucking here anyway?" I spit.

"We heard about your mother, that's why!" Mea says.

"Oh, so you can show up when my mother, a lady who didn't even like me, dies but you can't show up after I almost lose my sanity? That happened way before my fucking mother died! Y'all are some fake bitches and I don't want you here so leave!"

They look at me with shocked eyes and eventually tears start to fill them. I'm not crying though. I've graduated from the big baby train. No more crying for me. Hopefully.

"Are you coming in, Kai?" I ask.

"N-nah. But I'll be back here with dad... tomorrow." he stumbles over his words in shock of what I just said to them.

"Okay, bye. Love you."

I shut the door and take a deep breath.

"You should've let them-"

"Quiet, Geo. Please." I put my hand up to stop him from talking.

"Okay." he pulls me into a hug. "Princess, I love and support you. I know I did you dirty and I'm sorry but I'll never do it again, baby. I'm here for you, I promise."

"You're straight out of a Wattpad book." I laugh.

He laughs too.

We spend the rest of the day, talking. Hanging out. Just the two of us. We'll be alright.

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