Please, princess

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"Sully, get up." I hear. I open my eyes to find Kai standing in front of my bed and Sully's arms around me.

"Kai, man; it's-" Sully started

"We have a job to do so we'll talk about it later." he leaves.

"I'll see you later, gorgeous." Sully says before leaving.

I didn't get one word in. My phone is hot when I grab it. When I turn around I see more missed calls and texts from Geo. A text caught my eye:

If you don't call or text me back I'm gonna pull up at your house.

"Shit," I quickly call him. He really will come over and if he comes here, he's dead.
He picks up on the first ring.

"Hello?" I say.

"Princess... I've missed your voice so much." he says.

"Geo, what do you want."

"Princess; meet me at the hill we were at and I'll explain everything-"

"No, Geo. I don't wanna see you. You're lucky I haven't deleted your number yet. I can't bring myself to do it." I didn't have to say the last part but it's true.

"Please. It's too much to explain over the phone or through text; you can hate me and ignore me for the rest of your life afterwards; I don't mind but please hear me out, baby. I need you to know the truth." he begs.

"I'm on my way. Get off my phone." I hang up. Am I making the right choice? What if he's plotting something?

I got myself together for the first time in a while but I'm still in sweats. They're the sweats I wore on our "date". I don't know what made me put them on but I did.

"Where you going?" Mama asks.

"For a drive. It's about time I get myself together," I answer.

"Be careful."

"I know, Mama."

I pull up to the hill to find Geo. His car isn't here either. Must've walked.

I walk closer and he turns around, "princess," he starts toward me.

"Don't come closer. Please." I put my hand up.

He stops and looks at me. He's been crying. I can see it.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"To explain. It's a lot so try to keep track. My father, the head of the west, got your father imprisoned. He said it was because he was ending their rivalry and he didn't want that. He wanted the feud to keep going because he wanted to kill. After your dad got locked up, my dad knew your mother would start running the east again. And she did exactly that. My dad wanted to take something away from them to stir the pot and that something was you. He told me to find you and play with your heart. He wanted me to get you so comfortable that you would come home with me, and he'd keep you until your mother handed over the east. And I started what he wanted me to do. As I started to really get to know you, I fell. Hard, and I wasn't expecting to. I know I'm hurting you and I won't ask you to take me back right now but just know that I really do care about you and I won't let my father hurt you. I'll die for you, Kia. But I don't want you with anyone else and I know it's selfish to say but it's true. I still want you, princess. I meant everything I said before. I'm falling in love with you."

That... was something. But he really was using me... "Geo I don't know what you want me to say. I haven't even eaten because you hurt me so bad. You used me. This has to be the worst way to capture somebody. If your dad wanted me, he should've sent people to kidnap me instead but this shit... this shit hurt. I don't know what I want. I gotta thin-" men start to swarm around me and grab me. What the fuck. How did I not realize there were people here? Did Geo set this up? I knew he was going to plot some shit.

"Get off of her!" Geo's getting detained too. "Did my father send you assholes?! Let her go!" he tries to free himself but there's so many guys on him. Maybe not.
I'm being dragged away and nothing I'm doing is helping. I'm not getting out of this. Where the hell are they taking me?

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