A misunderstanding

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Three quiet months later:

Me and Geo have been hitting it off hella good. We talk everyday, hang out every weekend, and he plays Fortnite with me. Playing Fortnite is the most important factor. I'm with him right now and we're at TGIF.

"You ready, princess?" he asks while unbuckling his seat belt.

"Yup," I unbuckle mine but I don't get out. He doesn't let me open my own door. It took me a month to get used to it but I got it down. "Thank you,"

"I told you not to thank me for this. It's what any man should do for his woman,"

He's been talking a lot of "his woman" stuff lately as if I'm his when I'm not. All we've been doing is hanging out. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend and I haven't asked him to be my boyfriend. I think I'll do it today.

"Table for two?"

"Yes, ma'am." I nod.

She leads us to a booth in the corner with a dim light. I love this kind of seating.

"What are you gonna get?" I ask.

"I don't know yet; I'm gonna look first. I've never been here before. What about you? Why aren't you checking your menu?"

"Oh, I come here all of the time. I get the same thing every time. Boneless buffalo wings and French fries." I respond.

"I'll have whatever you have."

"I get water too. I'm not a juice or soda person. I like tea though. As long as it's-"

"Hot. You like hot chamomile tea with canned milk and equal because sugar's too sweet." he finishes. He remembers every little detail about me.

"And you prefer coffee with cinnamon creamer and three spoons of sugar because equal is for old people." I say.

He chuckles.

"Are you guys ready to order?" the waitress comes.

"Are you ready, princess?"


He orders my food for me when my anxiety gets a little bad. But he's the reason it's bad. 'Cause he makes me nervous. But that's just another factor. My medicine isn't working anymore and I've been running through multiple types of it. So ordering my food and social interaction hasn't really been my strong suit lately. I'm starting to get nervous when streaming too. I hope my therapist finds a working medicine for me soon. 

"Hey; it's okay to not be ready. I'll be here to order your food every time." he holds my hand.

"You're so corny," I cheese.

We ate and talked and laughed. Now we're leaving.

As we're driving, he misses the turn to my house. "Where're we going?"

"I wanna show you a place I escape to."

We pull up to a hill that rests on top of the city. The lights are flashing and throbbing, the horns are honking. It's like an unorganized concert.

"Wow." I smile while opening the car door.

"Don't let that happen again." Geo says.

"Uh huh," I say blindly.

He leans back on the front of his car and watches me as I take the city in.

"Hey, princess. Come here." He lifts up off of his car and I get removed from my trance. I walk over to him and his arms are out, waiting for me to walk in between them.

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