08 / Head Over Heels

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"Toya... I..." Tsukasa stuttered, pulling away from Rui's hold on him. Rui stood solemnly and faced the younger prince, his blue hair blending into the moonlight.

"I apologize, I assume this looks bad, especially knowing my role in this castle. I should not indulge in options of this sort, which was wrong of me too.  I will not let it happen again, please know that, sir." Rui paused briefly, taking another gaze at the distressed, prince, his eyes glistened with tears, how foolish it was of Rui to put him in this sort of situation. He let his feelings get the best of him, he was an idiot, and there was no way he had a chance with the prince, not in a million years. "I am merely his servant, nothing more, if you report this I understand and will do my best to serve the prince as nothing more than how I am supposed to," Rui's voice was stern and severe. Hearing those words made Tsukasa's chest hurt, it was as if his heart had just shattered into thousands of pieces, like a window breaking. This was something truly that Tsukasa had awaited his whole life, finding someone like Rui. Tears welled in his eyes, he clenched his fist and looked down into his lap. 

"I need some time to... evaluate this morally. I will be certain to inform my brother if the king hears of this." Toya replied sounding almost pitiful about the situation the two were in. Toya knew that he was told this sort of relationship was improper all his life, Tsukasa would be king one day, and did the king not need a queen? Toya could sense the pain from Tsukasa though, he had not looked this distraught since when Saki first collapsed as a child, did he want Tsukasa to endure more hardship after everything? Toya needed to figure this out, alone. "Right then, goodnight I am heading to think this over," Toya uttered, turning upstairs.

"Rui..." Tsukasa struggled to push the words out, it was as if his throat was closing and nothing could utter from it. He softly cried into his lap, looking up at his servant who wore a concerned expression.

"I'm sorry for this mess, I will not let it happen again. Do you need escorting to your room, sir?" Rui's voice was cold and lifeless, this was not the same boy Tsukasa was so scared of losing, it felt like somebody completely different. He glanced from side to side, something about Rui was nervous, he thought he was still being watched. "I'll prepare you for bed." Rui said, glancing around before whispering in a voice so quiet Tsukasa could barely hear it "we can discuss this when we are alone." Tsukasa looked up at the eyes he so adored to look into, he gently wiped his tears and stood at his servant's side, walking silently up into Tsukasa's room.

Despite all the excitement, the library was silent, aside from one boy sitting in a chair, thinking to himself. Toya was deeply lost in thought, understandably so after the situation he was now trapped in. Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Still not sure what to do?" A familiar voice asked, Toya jumped in surprise to see ginger fair and a familiar face illuminated by the fireplace.

"I do not recall it being a knight's job to sneak up on people," Toya replied, coldly at first but gently breaking a smile, he had secretly hoped to run into Akito again. "Hold on... have you been eavesdropping? Why did you seem to know why I'm here?" Toya suddenly questioned, fully turning to face the boy. 

"Maybe I was, I like being in the know." Akito shrugged, looking down at Toya. "You know, not to be gross but I haven't seen the prince as happy as he seems with that weird servant ever." Akito implied, looking at Toya.

"Why are you swaying my decision, what do you care," Toya replied, raising an eyebrow at Akito who chuckled softly.

"I don't care much for the prince in all honestly, just wouldn't ruling out their little relationship be a little... hypocritical?" Akito implied, now moving to share the velvet chair that Toya sat atop.

"What are you implying?" Toya inquired, blushing slightly at their closeness.

"Well, I doubt you'd be opposed to me doing this," Akito then leaned in and kissed Toya, feeling his cheeks redden against his face. After he pulled away he saw the shock on Toya's face. Toya gazed into Akito's eyes afterward, awestruck as to what to do or say. "Am I wrong?" The knight looked back with a sneaky grin at Toya. The prince remained speechless, he would be lying to say he did not enjoy the kiss but what would that mean for him morally? He needed to do what was right but this also felt right, and perhaps his brother's relationship with that servant was right as well. Toya's head clouded with thoughts as Akito stood to walk off.

"Hey, don't go after doing that," Toya complained softly. 

"Oh? So he did enjoy it." Akito mused deviously looking at Toya. He slowly turned and returned to sit with Toya.

In Tsukasa's room, he sat on his bed, facing Rui shamefully. "I'm sorry Tsukasa, it was wrong of me to try and pursue you. I know that you aren't fit for me and-" The servant was cut off by Tsukasa grabbing his hand. 

"I don't care if it's wrong, Rui. You... you make me feel a certain way. A way nobody else has ever made me feel. My heart pounds out of my chest when I'm with you and it's as if you brought color to my once dull and colorless life!" Tsukasa professed he felt deep down he was truly, inexplicably, in love with his servant.  

"There you go with your words again, you just draw me closer, my prince." Rui blushed, looking down at the boy below him, his big eyes meeting contact with Rui's. I'll take my chances with you Tsukasa, but from now on we will have to keep this a little secret." Rui whispered to Tsukasa, kneeling beside him. The prince gently nodded, being pulled into yet another lovely kiss with Rui, this feeling was unmatched by anything Tsukasa had ever experienced, perhaps... he was in love? Once Rui pulled away to catch a breath, Tsukasa whispered to him in a hushed tone.

"Can you... sleep here with me? I don't want to be alone." Tsukasa blushed, struggling to meet Rui's eyes, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Of course," he smiled gently "how about we get changed, these clothes aren't the most comfortable." Tsukasa nodded, after changing he lay in bed, looking up as someone lay beside him. Some hands with neatly trimmed nails gently held Tsukasa, pulling the prince close into Rui's chest, as Tsukasa got closer he came to realize Rui was wearing a pair of his pajamas, he didn't mind of course... it just made the prince feel a certain way inside, his heart raced. Tsukasa ran his hands through the soft purple hair.

"We won't get caught tonight?" Tsukasa whispered, questioningly to his servant. Rui looked down at the blonde that had pulled himself into his chest.

"No, the doors locked. I'll hide if anyone tried to enter in the morning, it's going to be okay, love." Rui replied softly, holding Tsukasa. His voice softened a certain way when he was with Tsukasa like this, Tsukasa perceived it and it made him quite happy, despite that he did not want to point it out. Tsukasa's cheeks warmed from the name Rui had called him, it felt as if the two were truly in love and nothing could separate them, not even the conflict with Toya. Rui softly kissed Tsukasa's forehead as a way to signal everything would be okay and he had no reason to fear any longer. Tsukasa had felt so many feelings he had never understood before, he truly felt now as if he was in the right place as if he was home. Rui was his home, and perhaps Tsukasa loved Rui. He had always loved Rui, but loving him in this way... it was different. 

As the night drew in Tsukasa drifted off to sleep, Rui knew in the morning it could perhaps be the end of spending time with Tsukasa at ease as he once had. Despite this, Rui had a feeling things would work out, something about Tsukasa felt lucky to him, he did not know what but there was something about this right boy, even when all felt wrong. Rui felt the need to tighten his grip on Tsukasa, he wanted this moment of just the two coexisting to last forever, this was truly Rui's first time falling in love, and this time, he was easily swept off his feet, head over heels. In all ways, in love. As the morning drew near, that could all perhaps change.

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