06 / The Night Begins

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A hazy warm glow drifted into the prince's grand room through the curtains, the warm light gently hitting Rui's cheek. He glanced at Tsukasa, his best friend, which was laying sound asleep next to him. They had been worn out a bit by all the dance practice the previous night. Rui gently closed his eyes and fell back asleep as the door was creaked open by Toya, Tsukasa's younger brother. Toya's eyes scanned the room cautiously as they lay upon the two sleeping boys, it was just slightly after sunrise and Toya wished to go on a walk. He planned on asking his brother to accompany him but he seemed to be sound asleep, along with the servant to his side. He closed the door gently to not make any noise. "It's a bit odd to watch people sleep." A voice said from behind, Toya turned to see some short ginger hair along with a taller boy around his age. He had sharp eyes and a shining knight uniform worn by those that protected the castle. Toya had seen him around recently, he was a new knight.

"You startled me..." Toya remarked softly, looking up slightly to make eye contact with him and his devious smile. "Are you not meant to be doing... knight things?" Toya questioned, realizing how little he knew about the duties of a knight. Being younger than the heir Toya never had as many responsibilities as his older brother, nor did he know as much of how things went about in the castle. The knight shrugged and let out a soft chuckle in reply.

"Wanted to see what you were up to, Prince Tenma." The knight replied.

"You're not like the other knights usually are... um..." Toya paused, at a loss for the man's name.

"Akito, my name is Akito." That name suddenly meant something to Toya, it reminded me of something he had heard from his father, something about one of the knights being a bit of a troublemaker. Now Toya finally knew the man, he was a bit charming to Toya but he regathered his focus.

"Well, I will be off now. A pleasure meeting you, Akito." Toya turned on his way and walked off to get outside to go on his walk. As the two departed the door pushed open by Rui, holding it open politely for Tsukasa. They were on their way to get some water for another busy day of practicing for the dance, it was as if rehearsals for a big show. As they made their way into the grand polished kitchen as Saki ran up to the two and grabbed Rui's wrist. She practically dragged him aside as Tsukasa chased after him.

"I'm getting fabrics today, what color do you want Rui?" Saki asked urgently. Rui paused, unsure of what to pick.

"Whatever would look best next to the Prince." Rui winked and Tsukasa turned away jokingly. Saki laughed and walked off, presumably to the fabric store as the two boys made their way to prepare for a busy day of practice, followed by more and more practice. 

Within a couple of days, it was finally here, the dance. Tsukasa was seated in bed, looking down at his hands. Tsukasa was entirely nervous regarding this, he was practically frantic on the inside. There was so much that could go wrong, he did not want Rui to know of his worries for he feared that in itself would install stress upon Rui. A gentle knock hit the heavy doors of the prince's room as a purple-haired figure followed by a blonde shorter girl entered.  "Here, I brought all the clothing you guys will need, I also have some masks due to it being a masquerade." Saki smiled and left the room after Tsukasa and Rui both graciously thanked her. 

"So shall we get ready, Kasa?" Rui asked, giving his hand out to Tsukasa, as his worries faded seeing his friend. Tsukasa took the hand and stood up, gaining the balance he opened his mouth.

"We do not have much time, let's get to it." Tsukasa smiled back at his friend and walked towards the neatly folded attire. Tsukasa picked up what was his and made his way to his (enormous) closet, "You can change in my bathroom, I can help you with some things once I am done changing." Tsukasa informed, about to open the door.

"Oh, Tsukasa... you didn't want to do it in front of me?" Rui teased, giggling as he tossed his hair back while holding the clothes. 

"Of course not!" Tsukasa flushed and let out a laugh, he felt something different when he was around Rui, something in his stomach perhaps? It was a pleasant feeling, that was all he knew. He promptly closed the door and began to change, tight layers of clothes with a large cape on his back with golden trim. He additionally had his mask and a crown, the mask was a bit pointless though, everybody would know from the crown who he was. The gold had little stars on it, courtesy of Saki since she knew his fascination with the night sky all too well. Tsukasa then stood and looked at himself in the mirror, he frowned. The young prince did not know who was looking at him in the mirror, he looked responsible, important, and worthy. Deep down Tsukasa knew he was none of those things, he was nobody noteworthy he just happened to be born into this family. He put his crown on and carried his mask into the room to see Rui again.

Rui was already waiting on the bed politely, his face flushed red when he caught sight of Tsukasa. "Rui? Is everything okay?" Tsukasa asked looking at his regal friend. 

"Yeah, you just...yeah." Rui trailed off, gaining his composure.

"I just? Oh, do I look bad?" Tsukasa frowned, a bit embarrassed in comparison to how charming his servant now looked, he was dressed neatly in deep tones, contrasting the purple accents in Tsukasa's clothes. He had a hat on and the cyan streaks of his hair tucked back to hide the giveaway of it being him. 

"No, no, you look... radiant." Rui gazed at Tsukasa in almost awe, he blushed in response. Tsukasa did not expect to hear such a thing from his friend.

"You... look charming yourself, Rui." Tsukasa reddened, a bit embarrassed by how honest he was being. There was a long silent pause between the two boys, Tsukasa's heart racing as he looked at his friend. "Here..." Tsukasa bowed slightly and lent out a hand to Rui to stand up with him.

"Ah... Tsukasa." Rui paused, a bit surprised "you're the prince here, where are my manners, I should be doing this for you." Rui said as he stood with Tsukasa. Rui put on his mask, it was very intricate and elegant. 

"We don't need any formalities between us in private, Rui. We are friends and equals." The prince flashed a charming smile and reached for his mask as well. 

"Here let me help so your hair is not messed up." Rui offered as he took the mask from Tsukasa's hands and gently held his face to move hair out of his eyes. Tsukasa reddened the feeling was back in Tsukasa's stomach, something he did not know how to describe. "Splendid." Rui smiled, clapping his hands together as he admired the prince as he was ready. 

"Are you ready then, Rui?" Tsukasa asked, tilting his head slightly upwards to meet Rui's bright yellow eyes. Rui nodded and extended his hand toward Tsukasa.

"May I?" Rui inquired, holding out his hand to Tsukasa. Of all the formals and dances Tsukasa had to attend as a prince, this was the first time Tsukasa felt true excitement towards one. It was a strange, unfamiliar feeling to hit him. Perhaps it was that he was with his greatest companion? Tsukasa had a good feeling, a feeling he had not felt since long before Saki fell ill when they were kids. His stomach fluttered as he extended his hand delicately into Rui's gloved hand, Tsukasa gestured a slight bow to be polite as he and Rui walked, hands intertwined to the door. "If anything ever goes wrong Tsukasa, I want you to know to tell me. We'll get out of here urgently if you need it, I will do anything for you. Not only as your servant but as your companion." Rui smiled warmly at Tsukasa. 

"That's... thank you. I will tell you." Tsukasa smiled and looked back at Rui, he felt his hand in Rui's soft gloves. "Shall we?" Tsukasa gestured, they seemed to have spent a long time preparing to leave before truly taking on what this night may entail. 

"We shall." Rui giggled and held the door open for the prince, following behind him to descend the stairs into whatever this night may entail for the two of them. Rui did not know what he felt, but there was a feeling in his heart of certainty, the certainty of how he would be there for his best friend and make sure he has a pleasant evening. 

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