02/ Snow Day

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"I could use some company," Tsukasa whispered.

"Oh- I suppose I could stay with you, where were you headed?" Rui stuttered, a bit surprised by the prince's sudden request. 

"My room, it'd be a lot more comfortable than staying out here." Tsukasa gestured toward where he came from and Rui nodded in agreement as the two boys began to approach Tsukasa's room.  Once they made it, Tsukasa perched himself on his bed and picked up a plushie. Rui stood, not quite sure where to go. Tsukasa patted the place next to him and giggled, "don't worry, it's perfectly fine to sit here." Rui sat next to him, careful to not destruct the tidiness of the tall bed.

"I didn't expect a prince to be so... welcoming," Rui admitted and responded with a laugh from Tsukasa.

"Haha! Don't be silly Rui, we're friends, aren't we?" He gazed at Rui with a smile on his face. Rui never expected a prince to truly be his friend, but something about Tsukasa made Rui believe it would be a worthwhile friendship. 

"Thanks, Tsukasa, I suppose we are." Rui smiled warmly. "May I ask you something?" Tsukasa tilted his head.

"Sure! Ask away." Tsukasa smiled.

"What happened back there... like with Seiryun?" Curiosity got the best of him, sure he vaguely saw but he did not truly know why they parted ways. "You didn't seem all that pleased about her arrival this morning either come to think of it." 

"Oh." Tsukasa dropped his smile, "It just feels like my dad's trying to set me up with girls constantly." Tsukasa said flatly. "I get that I'm the heir but it just seems excessive." 

"Oh? Is there a problem with that?" Rui inquired.

"Well... yeah. I don't think he's taking the hint but I'm gay." Tsukasa chuckled. Ah so that's it, his comment from this morning made more sense now, Rui thought. Tsukasa went on "Seiryun was honestly stuck up and I didn't like her much, that's why I declined her invitation to go to the dance. But that's a whole new problem now because I said I had a date but I don't!" Tsukasa rested his face in his harms, dejected. "Ugh... now I'm rambling I'm sorry-" but he was cut off by Rui leaning in and hugging him. Tsukasa smiled, he was a bit surprised but he needed that hug. 

"Don't worry, I'll be here for you and try to find a solution." Rui breathed into Tsukasa.

"You don't need to do something like that, it's my mess and-" he was cut off again.

"Is it not my job to take care of you? I am your servant after all." He smiled, "And your friend." Rui let go of the hug and gazed at his companion.

"Thank you," Tsukasa replied as Rui noticed something in the window across from Tsukasa's bed. 

"Tsukasa! It's snowing look!" Rui pointed at the window as Tsukasa bounded up to look, it was indeed snowing. 

"Snow?!" Tsukasa shrieked. "Rui do you want to go play in the snow with me?" He pleaded.

"Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt, just make sure to dress warmly. I'll go to my quarters and change, meet you outside?" Rui suggested.

"Hm... I don't want to be seen by the guests, let's go through the back." Tsukasa decided. Rui nodded and headed towards his room, giving Tsukasa some alone time. That servant is really something, he thought as he checked his closet for something warm to wear. He pulled out a fluffy coat along with some boots and a scarf. Sure, it was childish but Tsukasa could hardly contain his excitement, what would he do first? He bounded down the stairs to the back exit to be met by Rui. Dressed in a coat and scarf along with his boots, he looked warm. Tsukasa sort of wanted to hug him. As they made their way to the door, someone stopped them.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shit, Tsukasa thought. He turned around to see his father, towering over him but not Rui with his abnormal height. "Tsukasa I am so disappointed in you. Abandoning our guest and tricking your servant to aid you and leaving? Go to your room, I don't even want to see you right now." His father sighed, looking more dejected than angry. Tsukasa's face was hot with embarrassment and made his way upstairs. Rui met him with a sorry look watching him go. "I'm sorry, I know he's a bit much." His dad said, now looking at Rui.

"Oh, Tsukasa- err the prince?" Rui questioned.

"Yeah, he's difficult... if you ever need to talk to me about his... behavior feel free to." The king informed. Rui could not be more confused, Tsukasa was his friend. He is sweet, he did not do anything wrong. 

"Yes sir." Rui went off back to his quarters to change, and Tsukasa seemed pretty embarrassed. Giving him some time to himself may be for the better, Rui thought. 

He changed quite quickly and then took a look at the robot on his desk. He altered it for a while having an idea, he made a tiny Tsukasa. It was cute, just like the prince. It could only really walk around but Rui assumed maybe it'd cheer up Tsukasa, he glanced at the time. It was quite late, maybe he should wait until morning? No, this was for Tsukasa he needed to cheer him up now. Gosh why do I care so much about him, I mean we hardly know each other, there's simply something charming about him that I can't place. He has this way of going about things and- what was he thinking? They just met who knows what he's like. Still, he needed to go cheer him up, he has a liking towards Tsukasa and he wants Tsukasa to know that Rui will always be a friend to him. 

The castle was dim, portraits lined the halls giving shape to the shadows Rui passed. luckily mini Tsukasa had a flashlight built into him. The flights of stairs were quite difficult to navigate in the dark like this, but Rui managed to reach a room at the end of the hall. He knocked patiently and whispered "Tsukasa?" No response. He knocked again and still nothing. We're friends, right? It wouldn't hurt to open the door and check on him. Rui thought to himself gently pushing the door open. Instead of finding the prince asleep, he found the bed completely bare with a blanket dropped to the floor. His ensemble from when they were going to go out in the snow was hastily dropped on the floor as well. Rui could hear the snow had stopped and it was now raining heavily, the noise of the rain came from the balcony, and Rui noticed the door was open. He saw a figure sitting on the ledge with blonde hair, drenched in water as well as their pajamas. "Tsukasa?" Rui asked, dropping mini Tsukasa off indoors while approaching the prince.

"Yeah?" A tired voice replied, turning to look at Rui.

"Tsukasa what are you doing?? You're going to catch a cold!" Rui worried as he ran out to check on Tsukasa.

"Sorry I couldn't sleep. I thought if I sat out here and thought I'd feel better. That's what I usually do, I didn't expect it to rain but it didn't seem to matter." Tsukasa sighed.

"Oh, Tsukasa..." Rui sighed and picked up Tsukasa, carrying him into his room. 

My Prince \\ RuiKasa \\ Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now