03 / Ill

616 13 87

With heavy eyelids, Tsukasa opened his eyes. He was freezing under the blanket he felt against his skin. He took in his surroundings, he seemed to be in bed but a purple blur caught his eyes. "Rui...?" He slurred attempting to gather his senses. 

"You're awake?" Rui asked, tilting his head gently to look at Tsukasa.

"What's going on? I was outside and then..." Tsukasa trailed off.

"It was raining. I think you're sick, what were you even doing out there?" Rui questioned, irritated. "That was quite stupid-." He paused, realizing he should watch his wording around a prince such as Tsukasa. "Sorry."

"I wanted some fresh air, I dunno' I thought some rain wouldn't hurt," Tsukasa mumbled, seeming a little hurt by his companion's remark. Rui sighed and looked at him.

"Don't worry about it, I was going to try drying you off but it seemed a bit inappropriate to strip my friend." Rui chuckled, and Tsukasa's face reddened.

"H-Hey! Don't make jokes like that, creep." Tsukasa giggled trying to cover his pink cheeks. "I'm... gonna go change," Tsukasa announced walking over to his closet. Rui gazed at him as he began tidying the bed for the ill prince. "The nerve of that guy..." Tsukasa muttered as he picked out a silky pair of pajamas from his closet and changed, now noticing how soaked his clothes and hair were. How did I even sleep like this? Tsukasa sighed, running his fingers through his drenched hair and letting out a sneeze. He frowned, getting sick was not something he desired. His hair dripped as he made his way back out of his closet to be greeted by Rui holding a blow dryer. "What's that for?" Tsukasa asked.

"I'm drying your hair, silly," Rui answered, patting the spot in front of him for Tsukasa to sit. He made his way over, observing it was rather close but he did not mind all that much. The air tickled his ears as the water flew out of his hair rapidly, Rui had quite the gentle hand when it came to this, Tsukasa observed. 

"Hey, Rui?" Rui stopped the dryer having been done and just played around with the boy's hair.


"You're good with hair, you have quite the gentle hand-" Tsukasa was cut off by another sneeze, his face reddening.

"Oh? I mean I used to style my stepsister's hair a lot as a kid." Rui mused.

"You have a stepsister?" Tsukasa was curious, not knowing much of his servant but still sneezing quite violently.

"Yeah, her name's Nene. She has super long hair so I've always been around to mess with it, one time I accidentally even burnt some off!" Rui laughed, but Tsukasa jerked his head away from Rui. "Relax, I'm not doing that to you." That was when something caught Tsukasa's gaze on the floor, he stood up and walked over. "Tsukasa! You should be in bed-!" He was cut off.

"Rui is this...me?" He picked up a tiny robot that resembled Tsukasa off the floor, Rui had entirely forgotten about it. 

"Oh yeah it is, I made it to cheer you up but-." He was cut off yet again.

"I didn't know you could make this sort of thing!" the prince exclaimed, "this is so cool! Can I keep it?" Tsukasa was entirely awestruck.

"Oh?" Rui's cheeks reddened, nobody had ever reacted this way to his work, this was sort of exciting. "Of course, you can, let's just get you to bed, okay?" Rui glanced at the time, it was late and Tsukasa being sick had no business being awake. 

"Alright," Tsukasa whined as he crawled into bed. "Achoo!" He sneezed again as he covered his delicate body in velvety blankets. He shivered, and Rui instinctively put his hand on his forehead.

"Tsukasa! You're burning up." Rui informed, his voice laced with concern. 

"I'm freezing!" Tsukasa shivered, crawling into a fetal position. Rui's eyes darted from side to side, thinking up a solution.

My Prince \\ RuiKasa \\ Royal AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang