Chapter 2: Welcome to Nexus Academy

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Arcturus enters the assembly hall, his eyes widening in awe as he takes in the opulent Gothic architecture. The hall is decorated with intricate stained-glass windows and dark oak paneling, giving it a regal and imposing atmosphere. The assembly is divided into two sides, with the boys on one and the girls on the other. Arcturus notices a few flirtatious glances exchanged between the two sides and he can't help but feel a little out of place.

As he surveys the girls' side, he spots several notable faces. Princess Marina of Nauticus, with her long flowing hair the colour of the ocean, sits with poise and grace. Her eyes scan the crowd, as if looking for someone in particular. Sylph, princess of Aeolia, sits next to her, her slender frame almost ethereal in the dim light. Her long, silver hair cascades down her back, and she wears a mischievous grin that suggests she's up to no good.

Arcturus also notices Ember, the fiery princess of Pyrethia. She's surrounded by a group of admirers, her flaming red hair a beacon in the sea of students. Despite her popularity, she seems to be lost in her own thoughts, her gaze focused intently on the stage.

There is a sense of excitement and anticipation building in the air.

As Arcturus takes his seat in the assembly hall, he spots Orion walking towards him. Orion's warm smile and familiar face are a welcome sight for Arcturus, who is relieved to have a friend by his side in this new environment.

Orion is a tall and handsome young man, with short brown hair and warm brown eyes that seem to sparkle with mischief. He's always been the more outgoing of the two, never hesitating to strike up a conversation with anyone. Arcturus, on the other hand, has always been a bit more reserved, content to let Orion take the lead.

"Hey there, buddy," Orion says with a friendly smile. "Glad to see you made it in one piece."

Arcturus chuckles. "Of course I did. It's not like the Realm of Light is that far away from here."

Orion's grin widens. "True, true. But you know how these things can be. Never know what kind of trouble you might run into along the way."

Arcturus rolls his eyes, but can't help but smile at Orion's antics. He's always been a bit of a troublemaker, but Arcturus wouldn't have it any other way. They've been friends since they were children, and Arcturus couldn't imagine his life without Orion by his side.

His friend gives him a nudge, "Did I miss anything interesting?"

Arcturus shakes his head. "No, not really. I've been too busy trying to get settled in and figure out how everything works around here."

Orion nods sympathetically. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It's a lot to take in all at once. But hey, at least we have each other, right?" He flashes Arcturus a small smile.

Arcturus returns the smile, grateful for Orion's company. "Yeah, definitely. I don't know what I'd do without you, Or."

Orion gives a small smile at Arcturus' words, but there's a hint of sadness in his eyes that the Light prince doesn't understand.

At that moment, the headmaster of Nexus Academy strides confidently to the podium, his commanding presence silencing the chatter of the students.

The headmaster of Nexus Academy is a tall, imposing figure with a stern expression and a well-trimmed beard. He wears a black suit that makes him look even more severe, and his piercing gaze sweeps across the assembled students, assessing each one.

"Good evening, students," he begins in a deep, authoritative voice. "Welcome to Nexus Academy, where the brightest and most promising young minds of the realms come to hone their magical skills and prepare for their futures as leaders and guardians of their people."

He pauses for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in. "As many of you already know, Nexus Academy is a unique institution. Here, you will find yourself among the finest and most talented individuals from across the realms - princes, princesses, nobles, and other high-ranking individuals who have been chosen for their exceptional abilities and potential."

He surveys the audience again, his eyes seeming to bore into each student's soul. "But with great privilege comes great responsibility. As members of this esteemed institution, you are expected to conduct yourselves with the utmost decorum, integrity, and respect for one another. You are here to learn, to grow, and to prepare yourselves for the challenges that lie ahead. And make no mistake - those challenges will be great."

The headmaster's voice grows even more intense as he continues to speak, "You will face trials and tribulations that will test your very souls. You will be called upon to make difficult decisions, to navigate treacherous political waters, to stand firm in the face of adversity. But I have faith in each and every one of you. You are here because you have the potential to be great. And it is up to you to realize that potential."

With those final words, the headmaster steps back from the podium, his eyes still fixed on the assembled students. The room is filled with a palpable sense of expectation and determination, as each student contemplates the journey that lay ahead.

Arcturus looks around at some of the other students who respond with enthusiasm to the headmaster's speech, their eyes lighting up with excitement at the possibilities of what they will achieve at Nexus Academy. But then a shock of dark hair catches his eyes.

Vesper. He notices the prince's face is unreadable, his expression stoic and impassive.

Arcturus feels a sense of frustration at Vesper's lack of response to the headmaster's speech. He wonders if the prince of Umbrium is truly so uninterested in the mission of the academy, or if he is simply too proud to show any outward signs of emotion.

As the headmaster finishes his speech, the assembly breaks into polite applause. Arcturus stands up with the rest of the students, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of people around him.

He catches Orion's eye and smiles, grateful for his friend's reassuring presence. They make their way out of the assembly hall with the rest of the students, heading towards the courtyard where their first class of the day is set to begin.

Arcturus takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. He knows that the next few years at Nexus Academy will be a challenge, but he is determined to make the most of his time here and become the best Lightweaver he can be.

They are met by a young woman with short blonde hair, a stern expression on her face. She introduces herself as Professor Ava, and begins to explain the task at hand.

"It is time for your first assignment," Professor Ava says, her tone serious. "Magic duels."


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