Dance like nobody's watching (Dorian)

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Spoiler Warning for Campaign 3 Ep 13

The ballroom was full. A little too full for your liking. While you weren't afraid of people, you could hold your own in a conversation, the sheer amount of nobles and chairmen that surrounded you were far too different from your comfort level. The casual flaunting of wealth, bragging of their donations and charities, you felt your stomach churn as you faked laughter to amuse them.

You really wish you could have back out now, but you were chest deep in this plan to step out. After all, you had agreed to be Dorian's date, you were as much of a hot topic to talk to as he was. Stepping out of the room will raise questions you didn't want to ruin the mission.

As the others went in to mingle, you stayed in the back, trying to keep away from the crowd. Never a peaceful silence but not having to keep up the false interest was enough to calm your nerves ever so slightly. A glass held taut in your fingers as your eyes danced over the crowd. Your companions having been scattered across the floor all out to accomplish what you had set out to do that night. Yet no matter how many times you had scanned the crowd, you couldn't seem to find the blue boy you had your arm linked with for the beginning of the night.

"I haven't scared you off just yet have I?" You couldn't stop the smile that crawled its way onto your lips as Dorian joins your side.

"Not yet, though I feel like everyone else in this gods forsaken event will before you get that pleasure." You grumble into the glass as you take a long sip.

"I suppose it is a little drap with all the noble commoners," he takes a pause to look out at the sea of glided folk, each gossiping about the others. "But how I see it, is that it leaves more room for us to do whatever it is we want to mess with them. They don't know us nor where we come from! We can make up any excuse we want and get away with it!"

You stifle a chuckle, "We still have a mission to accomplish, don't forget."

"That doesn't mean we can't have fun while we're at it! You know I hear they plan on having a dance! Maybe you and I could dance for a turn or two!" You gave him a side-eyed glace, yet as hard as you tried to keep a stern exterior you just couldn't help but cave to his charm.

"As long as we get the job done so we can leave as soon as possible afterwards... I would love to dance with you." His face instantly brightens up, a light burning brighter in his eyes at your acceptance.

"Wonderful! I myself am a little rusty but I'm sure it will come back in due time," he holds his arm out to link yours with. Gladly taking his offer and letting him lead you closer to the center of the ballroom.

"Well, make that two of us, I do not dance, and when I do it is not waltz." You hide your face into the shoulder of his jacket to avoid looking at the stares the noblemen are giving you.

"Just try and follow my lead, it's mostly in the footwork of avoiding the other's feet. All the rest is just your own touch, you'll be great, trust me " He uses his other hand to brush a stray hair out of your eyes and behind your mask.

"Dangerous words to tell someone, I'm sure Fearne would have a hay day if she escapes into the dance." He gives a strained chuckle in response.

"You're not wrong, and that worries me to no end..." the music begins to shift, the crowd around you beginning to partner up as the two of you assume positions on the floor among the other guests.

You take his hands in yours while watching the others dance around you. The intricate twirls and dips causing your stomach to drop while nerves crawl from the excepted formula you both were meant to follow.

"Don't watch them, it's just you and me right now. They are just the backup dancers." He gives you a smile as he attempts to calm your rising anxiety. He guides your movement to mirror his, only managing to step on his feet twice before you start getting comfortable.

The music starting to guide your steps, flowing with Dorian as you both sway together, turns and tips. Time blends together, the only focus being Dorian's soft smile. The world blurs around you both as you take in the moment wanting it to last an eternity. Pushing you away to twirl you before bringing you closer to him.

"I told you you'd be great." He looks you in the eyes, his own reflecting only admiration. You only hum and lean into place a quick kiss to his nose. The rush to his cheeks being enough for him to stutter out meaningless fragmented words.

The song continued onward, one cymbal claps as it rises into its second. The dance moves on. The two of you enjoying your soft silence while it lasts.

The song continued onward, one cymbal claps as it rises into its second. The dance moves on. The two of you enjoying your soft silence while it lasts.

Though even in silence, words are spoken. Dorian's face crunches in displeasure.

"Oh right, right..." he lets out a deep sigh. "Imogen is telling us to continue with the plan, Freane is one dance away from getting the ring. It might be best to-"

"I know," you sigh in disappointment, "let's just... enjoy our dance while it lasts, pretty boy." You smile, albeit saddened, you lead him into a more waltz, following your own heart and not the dance the others were following. No traditional formula, just what felt right to you in these final moments of your dance with Dorian.

As the music arose once again, you leaned your head on his whispering words you could barely here. The cymbals' crash broke you two appart.

The soft grip of his hand in yours letting go for a moment. The space between you growing, the pain and disappointment creasing his features as your own must reflect the same. Before long you are taken by the next in line, swept off for another to dance with and for the night to descend into chaos.

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