One Night Too Short PT 2 (Percy)

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The water bit into your skin. Sharp needle teeth that grips into fresh dragging you down the rapids. You have little time to think, having half a mind to struggle for the surface the other worrying over the lives of your companions.

Percival. His paniked eyes haunted you, burnt into you brain as a permanent mental image. No matter how hard you try to push it away it comes back. Tired, blue eyes nearly reliving a trauma you had hoped to save him from. Instead you had made him fear you would end like the family he had once held dear.

You break the surface after an uncounted amount of time, rushed tides shoving you further down the stream. Fingers feebly claw at the rocks and mud to aid in your desperate attempt to pull yourself out of the iced water. Only to be pushed further by the rapids.


Oh gods, let this be a nightmare. Let him have fallen asleep during watch to have him wake up in your arms. Percy could not handle if he had lost yet another in his life. Not you. Not after he just found a light to clear his dark path in you.

He was trying so desperately to fight off the rest of the Half Giants. Looking for any way to break out of the fight to rush to your aid.

"I-im working on it!" The red-headed half elf took time to bind two of the enemies together before taking off to the skys in hopes to speeden your rescue.

Praying that the durid will save you, he took his eyes off the river, with much mental effort, and focused back on the fight. He can't help you if these fiends are here.

The red bird weaved through trees by the river side, eyes straining to see a dark spot in the waters. Of course she had to pick an eagle and not an owl. At least she would have been able to SEE as an owl, but in the moment she chose speed over sight and she prayed it was the right choice.

She didn't have much time to dwell on the matter as her now golden eyes spotted a flash of silver in the dark waters. Letting out a screech the bird dove down towards the waters, talons out stretched to grab the sliver of the shimmering substance she spotted.

Dipping into the water the giant bird pulls out your water logged form. Chilled, soaked, and unmoving. The spike of worry Keyleth feels pushes her to fly faster back to the group. She just hopes she can make it in time as she closes in on the fading fight.

The calm moments.
Those are the ones you loved. Yearned for.
And the last moment you remember were anything but that.

While you don't mind the thrill of the fight. You aren't too sure how you fair with.... well the risks. The potential of failure.
You had failed. Hadn't you?

You feel the chill of the raven's hand pulling you away.
But yet.
You also feel the warmth of others.
The soft touch of furs.
The.... pain. Or well, an uncomfortable pressure in your lungs. It was as if something was pressed into your chest. It stung, as if someone had dropped a large rock onto it. It was a near impossible task trying to open your eyes, the lids nearly glued shut.
Opening to a more than pleasant sight. Most of Vox was around the campfire, Keyleth, Grog, and Scanland fast asleep in their bed rolls from what was in your line of sight. As Vex stood watch with a steady hand on the bow in her lap.
You where more than perplexed, the last you knew, you where at the Matron mercy. In the river. Was this a dream?
Was the fight a Nightmare?
Both feel.... felt... very real to you.

You shift to sit up a little better, some of the pressure in your chest making you sputter and choke on some water that seemed to be trapped in your throat causing Vex to look in your direction and the presence beside you to stir.

"Easy, love. Take it slow." Vex's voice was calming as she comes over to help you sit up as your sputtering subsides. "You took quite the tumble. I would prefer it if you didn't stop breathing on us again." 

"Yes that would be preferred..." you felt the rumble of Percy's sleep slurred words as he holds onto you. Waking up a little more as his mind grasps onto what had awoken him. Making him hold onto you closer as if you would disappear if he didn't. 

"The world is a lot duller when you aren't here with me."

"As the same when you part from me." You give his hand a light squeeze, your strength still needing time to return to you. "And I don't have any plans to allow that to happen again." 

The soft touches of Percy's hands on your face feel bittersweet. The feeling of his handling you like porcelain as he looks into your eyes, trying to take in every feature to commit it to memory. You lean forward t place your forehead on his, closing your eyes as you silently tell him you want to take a moment with just the two of you. 

These are the moments you love. Away from the chaos of what your group of sell swords are know for. Here in your Percy's arms, and here you wish to stay.

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