Child!Reader & Critical Role PT 2

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The port towns were hard to live in, not only did you have to fight the other people in the town, but people from other towns and pirates. Port towns suck!

Now you didn't run with a crew or anything, but you did take some coin to beat up anyone that was your height. Didn't matter who it was as long as you got paid.

At least that's how it started.

How it ended is a different story.

It only took three months of beating up people for coins until you happened to beat up the wrong person, granted, it wasn't like you knew the guy. If you were being honest with yourself, you were proud it wasn't sooner.

You were far on the other side of town trying to lay low when a duo started to cause their own bout of mischief. The blue tiefling led the charge as the half-orc attempted a very poor job at telling her to stop. As much as you know you should have stayed out of it, you just couldn't stop yourself from running in and bashing someone's kneecaps in with a bar stool.

The satisfaction in the crunch you heard after was nothing you could ever find a replacement for. Boy does violence solve every problem.

You were just about to go for the next guy when you felt a strong hand pull you up by the scruff of your shirt.

"Little street rat coming in here thinking they could get some coin from this fight? Heheh." So maybe you really should have stayed out of this fight.

"Hey, now fellas. Let's not bring a kid into this. We can talk this out like a respectable gentleman." You look to see the half-orc trying to ease the Dragonborn that was holding you.

"And if I don't? Whats stopping me from smashing this runt into the bar?" The sleek smile on this overgrown lizard's face must have made the half-orc uneasy. Yet you grew too bored of conversations, you had an answer for this scaled beast.

"My foot in your face!" Swinging your body up, you deck your foot right into his jaw making him drop you to nurse it.

Landing you take off toward the door with the half-orc and tiefling in tow. The shouting behind you was drowned out by your laughter as you ran blocks away before ducking into an alley to catch your breath.

"I told you Fjord! We would be fine!"

"That's not the point, Jester. Look at-" the half-orc, which apparently followed you, held his head in his hand.

Rolling your eyes with a playful smirk you walk back to the entrance of the alley. You looked to see if you were followed while the other two talk out where they were to go next.

"Well, where do you think they want to go?" You turned to look at the tiefling Jester confused.

"They aren't coming with us, they have their own parents to get back to-"

"How about we hit up Zadash? Heard they have a nice arrangement of coin purses to pick from." You give the half-orc a wink before shaking his hand. "I think we are going to be the best of friends, Fjord!"


You will admit, you are small. You are squishy. And you are not very good at fighting.

So how you got into the problem you did was so beyond you. You happened upon a mugging on your way to the book store and well you just booked it out of there. However, your opponent happened to be everything you were not.

Hanging by the collar of your shirt desperately kicking your legs. The dark chuckle from behind you.

"Sorry, kid. It's nothing personal, just the wrong place, at the wrong time." You felt the blood drain from your face, you would have passed out too if it weren't for the loud roar coming from somewhere else.

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