4. Lets try that

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It was already afternoon by the time Clark was awake, her back crackling as she stood and stretched out. Dr. Edison wagged his tail as he followed her off the sofa and into the kitchen, it was a good thing she had trained Edie to use the doggy door to go to the garden when he needed walking.
She focused on making food for the both of them, starting to reminisce of the night she had as her mind began to clear from the sleep.

As soon as Edie came back from the garden he started to devour his food, Clark shaking her head while smiling.
"Good boy."

With a cup steaming in one hand and a sandwich in the other, she made her way back to the sofa and turned on her laptop, slightly surprised when seeing there was no email from Pierce. She wasn't hoping he would've emailed but she couldn't deny the small twist of disappointment in her gut, shaking it off and publishing her work on the advice she gave last night.
Clark started writing on her blog about the night before, carefully choosing her words. She didn't know if Pierce read her blog regularly and if he did she didn't want him to know every detail, she didn't really have his permission either to mention him so she wanted to stay as vague as possible. Even though it made her feel a weird heaviness in her chest for all her other readers and supporters that unlike usual they were not getting the full scope of it, but she swallowed it away and wrote to her heart's content.

It wasn't long until the laptop chimed and Clark checked her email rather quickly, her internal voice cursing her for acting such a way. But it wasn't Pierce, just a normal email among the rest. Staring intensely at the last email he sent Clark bit her lip, it was already nearly two in the afternoon so surely he'd be awake by now.
Opening a new reply her fingers hesitated over the keyboard, would she seem desperate by emailing him first? She didn't want to be a clingy cliché.

"What do you think Edie? Should I email him? What would I even say?"
Of course, her golden dog didn't reply but as she considered it the more Clark disliked the thought of her checking her email constantly wondering if he would message first.
So she wrote,

'Morning, did you sleep well?'

It was a normal starter but she felt so odd about it, she hoped it sounded as breezy as it felt typing it. Before she could even go back to her blog there was an immediate reply from Pierce,
'Morning! It was good could do without having Uni so early though, forgot I had an exam today. Did you sleep well?'

So he had probably just run out of time to message, Clark didn't feel entirely sure though but shook it off. Deciding to carefully choose her next words not wanting to even look towards the room that whispered with past ghosts, She started writing her response while sipping her sweet chocolate drink.

'It was good, gotta catch up on my work though now.'
'Will you be able to go to the bar tonight?'

Clark didn't reply for several minutes considering his question, she was a little behind on some of her writing but with an energy drink or two perhaps it could be finished in one night...another night. Did she even want to go to the bar tonight? So soon as well?
It wasn't going to be rowdy tonight since the match was still a bit away but Clark didn't want to seem ready to jump at Pierce's offer, so after considering her options she breathed in the steam from her mug and eased into the sofa.

'Maybe, I need to focus on my work for a bit but if I manage to get it done early I'll let you know and meet you there?'
'Great! I'll hopefully see you tonight then, gotta get going to work now but message soon!'

She didn't respond after that, shaking her head slightly before focusing on her work. Writing away words of advice only getting up to go to the bathroom and get a few snacks, most of the time Clark kept the window blinds down not wanting the sun to blind her.
But her favorite time of the day was the golden hour, when the sun casts light across her ceiling and the sky outside turns to shades of pink. It didn't make total sense but at those hours of the day, it was like Clark's waking up, like learning a secret that only comforts.

It was at that time Clark realized she had gone past her quota for the week, with advice for every day and her blog being three times longer now there wasn't much left to do. Stretching her legs out she took a deep breath and curiously began searching online for Pierce, convincing herself that it wasn't creepy.
He knew about her blog, he knew who she was and this was just research. Even though she didn't know his last name it wasn't very common to have the name 'Pierce', so it only took forty minutes to find him online.

Pierce wasn't very social, he had the basics but his profiles weren't really fleshed out compared to hers. She did see a picture of him with his sisters though, one looking strikingly like him.
He looked happy, there was nothing that looked out of place he just looked...normal.

Clark sighed deeply feeling a ball build in her chest, this whole time she had been overly suspicious without good cause. Sure she had her reasons but she had been wrong, for the first time in forever and it made her curse.
Tapping away at her laptop, with a refreshed view, she emailed Pierce.

'I'll be at the bar shortly, see you soon.'

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