2. Let's get to know

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As the chips started to disappear from both their plates, Clark took a sip of her blue low-percentage alcohol and felt the awkwardness dull into an almost hum compared to the buzzing before.

"So what do you do for a living Pierce?"
"I'm studying to be a scientist but in the meantime, I work in a restaurant mostly in the kitchen."

He took a bite from his fish and Clark felt a swelling feeling rise in her chest, she could understand working so hard to get into something she loved and was lucky enough herself to be doing what she loved.
"What about you?"

Clark felt herself grow bashful, she had never been shy to share her passion for her work life she felt immense pride in it. But she always did find words on paper, online, anywhere but her own throat and voice to be more impactful and comfortable to share.

"I'm a writer, I have a blog and I have an advice columnist section in the papers and online. Most of the time I have to write stuff about places I've never even been to or things circulating in the news."
Clark played with the fork on the table as she spoke,
"Which isn't terrible, I'm grateful to be writing anything at all but I much prefer advising strangers across the world where I can be freer with what I write."

Clark could feel herself growing more and more excited as she spoke about her work, after all, she had been so focused on her work life that it had consumed her everyday life.
Pierce was smiling not that Clark noticed because she was exploding with excitement and passion and it took a moment before she realized he was almost giggling at her by now,

"What? Why are you laughing at me?"
"I'm not laughing...truthfully? I already knew you were a writer, I've read your advice columns and I came across your blog."

In an instant, the awkwardness started to rise up a little in Clark's throat and her mind instantly wandered into the stalker territory again, Pierce noticed it and held up his hands in surrender.
"I swear I didn't know it was you, I came across your work years ago but I never saw a picture. I'm not a stalker, I promise...I can't believe you're the Clark Juniper."

He seemed genuinely shocked to realize it was her and the clear admiration in his voice made her cheeks burn brightly, slowly the two began to converse on a couple of Clark's work while eating the rest of their meals. The time seemingly passed with the click of a finger and after all the laughter that was shared between the two eventually it was closing time, Clark rose from the stool and checked her bag before walking to the door.

"Can I walk you home?"

Pierce's eyes were shining under the street lamps and his smile was contagious yet Clark twirled on her feet side to side,
"That would be lovely but I still don't fully know you..."

He didn't seem offended, if anything his smile grew and he nodded.

"That's okay at least let me call you a cab though?"
"That I can accept, it is freezing out here!"

It was still early in the new year but summer should've started to arrive, then again it was always late in London. The two waited outside the pub until a car drove up and Pierce opened the door for Clark, closing it as she got in and put the seatbelt on.
He leaned down to the window and still with the smile spoke,

"Get home safe Clark, will I see you again?"

A flutter in her chest made it impossible to deny and his eyes, like a beautiful metal shining in the sun, were keeping her eyes locked on him until she spoke breathlessly.
"Yes, another night here, and then we will see."

Pierce stepped back from the car as the driver cleared his throat clearly wanting to make the start of the journey, digging his hands into his suit.
"See you soon, Goodnight Clark."
"Goodnight, Pierce."

It felt oddly intimate the way they said each other's names and they both thought about that feeling as the car started to drive away, in the mirror Clark could see Pierce watching until he grew smaller and eventually started walking away. She eased into her seat and watched out the window as houses blurred and sped by, only slowing when reaching the traffic lights.
About twenty minutes later Clark walked through the door of her home, hearing the approach of her best friend.

"Hey boy! How was your day Dr. Edison? Were you my good boy?"
Clark knelt and rubbed behind the dogs' ears, his light barks answering her questions before licking her cheek causing the room to be filled with laughter.

"Good boy, come on let's get you some dinner."

She filled Dr. Edison's bowl and watched as he cleaned it in minutes, smiling before going to the sofa in the living room and collapsing into the cushions. Groaning as Dr. Edison jumped up and started nuzzling into her shoulder, lifting her hand weakly.
"Five more minutes Edie, today was..."

Clark was about to say 'long day.' Like usual but stopped as the evening she had was not normal routine, anything but normal. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling with her arm hanging over her forehead, smiling slightly.

"Today was nice actually, nicer than it's been in a while. I met the mystery man Edie, his name is Pierce and he wasn't a stalker or a psycho...well not entirely at least. He's a little odd but then who am I to judge? I'm still not entirely convinced he's not trouble but so far he was just...nice."
Dr. Edison barked in response and laid his head beside her leg until she shook her head and lifted the laptop from the coffee table into her lap and opened up her blog and column.

"Right, time to work."

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