Summer breeze

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Eva had spent the summer holidays holed up in Professor Figs- well her, home; it had come a long way since she had last stepped foot in it, it was amazing what a touch of her own belongings and fresh rugs and curtains could do to rooms, along with a good dust and clean. Her garden was sprouting so many vegetables and beautiful flowers, she had even added a wooden bench nearby that she could sit and stare out to the woods that spread as far as the eye could see. Poppy had visited frequently with various animals tucked in pockets or from nearby sanctuaries.
But she was more excited for today, it was the first time she was seeing Ominis since they had left Hogwarts. Thankfully it had been smooth, she hadn't exactly made up with Samantha but she wasn't as hostile when it came to hanging out with Amit, and would attempt small talk when she met them to go and map the stars.
Meetings had happened with Headmaster Black about lessons and when she was to arrive at Hogwarts along with what would need to be worn with her now being a Professor, thankfully he had been courteous to when she requested to wear mainly long sleeved shirts so it avoided questions over her scar, whilst he was still strict he seemed to treat her with more respect now she was staff. Yet Ominis hadn't been at the meetings; instead sending his apologies as he had been travelling briefly, yet hadn't divulged further information about his trip.

The formal rap at her door had her rush to open it, her heart thudded as he stood in front of her finally, clutching a picnic basket. He looked so out of place with it compared to his outfit choice of long sleeved shirt and jacket with matching black trousers, his fringe flopping in front of his face. But it was his eyes she adored the most, how they reminded her of a clear blue sky, how his smile had them crease slightly. Throwing her arms around his waist she squeezed tight
"Ominis! I've missed you!" He seemed to finally exhale, stroking her hair he realised he had missed her warmth
"I'm sorry Eva, I had business to attend to... I went to visit Sebastian to see how he's doing" her blood ran cold at just his name
"How erm, how is he?" Her lips thinning at the thought
"He's doing better, they are helping him recover a lot, another year or so and he may be back to normality. He wanted me to tell you he was deeply sorry for everything he did too. I did tell him he can tell you himself if and when you want to see him" nodding she stayed silent, part of her wanted to see Sebastian as it wasn't his fault he was consumed by it. Those spells can consume the strongest of minds but in the same sense she was still angry he could cause such harm to her.
"Come now then Eva, Poppy told me of a lovely spot in the woods, she's tied some ribbons to the trees so you can help with directions too so I don't get us lost. I brought all your favourites thanks to Sirona" handing her the basket.

It had taken nearly a hour thanks to some ribbons had blown off in the wind but eventually she gasped when seeing it; it was truly magnificent, the trees looked like they was bowing to be close yet leaving enough cracks for sunlight to burst through and illuminate the pond that glimmered from the sunlight. Flowers grew from random areas but they was so vibrant in colours it gave its own natural charm. Throwing down the blanket close to the pond they sat, and Ominis hadn't been wrong Sirona had indeed made sure they was her favourite.
Smoothing out her tweed skirt she felt a little undressed next to him.
"If you dig a little more there's also some butterbeers, some brandy and cups, there's also some chocolates that she said pairs well with either drink choice" pouring him a splash of brandy she opted for butterbeer. He laid back, contemplating when would be the time. When was right. Eva laid her chest on his, feeling content at being so close to him once more.
"I really did miss you. It felt you was gone for so long" he found himself grinning again, she missed him, if this was feeling complete he wanted to have it forever.
"I missed you too, but I promise I won't go away without letting you know, or I'll bring you along with me" absentmindedly she stroked his cheek with her thumb; admittedly just staring at him, she felt he may disappear if she blinked.
"Good...I'm glad we could do something like this too" getting up to go pick a vibrant red flower from the ground. Ominis' hand shook as he grabbed the box in his inner pocket, hearing her mumble at how the flowers was so beautiful she should bring some back for her vase. Steadying himself to one knee, the brandy seemed to have given him more courage.
"Ominis you don't need to call me by th-" her sentence cut off as she turned to see him there, on one knee
"I- I debated how long to ask and what I'd say when I finally did. But all I can think of is how glad I am you came to my room, how in them short months you showed me unconditional love even when I didn't deserve it and pushed you away at times, how I felt and how I still feel is new to me, I don't think I'll ever get used to it. But yet I want to experience the rest of my life with you by my side. You was my first kiss, my first time being intimate and the first one to never give up on me. I've never told you this and I'm sorry I haven't, but I love you Eva... will you marry me?" She hadn't realised the tears streaming down her face until they reached her lips, clutching hold of her flowers she thought it was the most perfect way he could have asked
"Y-you want to marry me? Oh my goodness YES! Yes I will Ominis. Of course I will" falling to her knees in front of him, he fumbled but managed to place the ring on her finger. Her cheeks dampened more at Ominis' tears mixing with her own as he kissed her. Blood rushed to her ears, she hoped it wasn't a cruel dream that she would awaken to.

Authors note: so thank you to those who have read through this. I'm going to finish it here as whilst I enjoyed making this brief story I'm planning on focusing on my novel "Submit to me" which is a fiction of 25 year old Luce DeBowe meeting 30 year old businessman Zachary Bristow. Whilst this hasn't been my best piece I've enjoyed creating it all the same. I may eventually come back to creating a more fluff love between Ominis and original character. But for now I thank each and every one of you ~MysticalMercon/MysticalMermaid

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