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Levi was happy that he was getting the opportunity to spend time with Sabrina.

 After all that happened last night, he needed some relief, and Sabrina being here was exactly that.

The last thing they had to was go to the Atlanta Botanical Garden. The greenery was something magical and he could see that Sabrina was enjoying the sights.

So much had happened in such a little time, Levi hadn't had much time to process the whirlwind that was these past few months. From falling for Sabrina to taking on a new position, he was the happiest he had ever been. He had worked hard to be in a position to take care of himself and free himself from the shackles his parents insisted on putting him in.

It bothered him that his parents not only showed up unannounced but also were blatantly rude to Sabrina. He couldn't imagine all the thoughts that were going through her mind right now but he knew what his were.

Was she annoyed?

Did she feel like he didn't defend her enough?

They stopped to look at a large Origami piece that caught their attention, it was truly amazing. All the while, Levi couldn't help but look at her: the way her eyes scrunched as she looked at something, the slow curve of her lips just before she smiled, and the way she gently held onto him even when their fingers were not interlocked.

He could only hope that she was content with what they were building because he wasn't sure how he would take it if this all ended now.

Finally coming back to his apartment after a long day out, he was hoping to spend the rest of the night chilling until he heard an obnoxious knock at his door. He knew exactly who it was, opening the door without hesitation as Marcus and the rest practically flew in.

They all greeted each other as the boys sat down and the girls retreated to the kitchen to talk. In a few short days, Shantia had gotten closer to Sabrina and Azani, making them practically besties.

" Did you ass forget it was game night? Man, we're losing recipes out here" Marcus shook his head in fake disgust.

" He all boo'ed up now, he ain't got no time for his boys" Omar stated, chilling like he always did.

" Yet both y'all niggas brought y'all ladies with you? Talkin' about losing recipes, y'all fucked up first" Levi shouted.

" Damn, don't get yo boxers in a twist, nigga. Get real heated, I'on like dat. Ok? Periodt" Marcus sassed making them laugh.

" When you finish fixing your lace, can we start playing?" Azani looked at a slightly embarrassed Marcus before sitting next to him.

Game night was in full swing as they started with Beer Pong using rum shots instead. They opted for a lower percentage of alcohol to curb the ease into becoming drunk faster. Shantia set the 12 red cups on either side of the table in a triangle shape, putting in a shot of rum.

The girls were on one side, the boys were on the other. Azani started first, landing the ball straight into the cup closest to Marcus, who was completely confused by how good of a shot that was.

Marcus tried to get back at her but ended up missing all the cups in front of the girls altogether. The game became more intense by the minute as the girls were able to hold onto a lead while the boys were failing miserably.

A mixture of cheering and booing kept their competitive spirits high as the game continued. It finally reached Sabrina and Levi's turn to play against each other and it was clear that tensions were extremely high.

Levi threw his first shot at the second-to-last red cup, it hit the rim of the cup, spinning a few times. Everyone was locked in to see what the outcome would be as the ball stopped spinning on the rim and ultimately fell off the cup. Levi was distraught as were his boys.

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