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Last night's events played over and over again in Sabrina's mind, she didn't have many expectations for his parents but she had hoped they would be nicer to her than that. It was clear that there was some disdain for her heritage and age which got her thinking if Levi had ever talked about her to his parents before.

He was still deep in his sleep as if nothing had happened, slumped in the crook of her neck with his arm in his favourite place: over her breasts.

She wanted to talk about what happened last night but she noted how vulnerable he had become after they left and decided it was best to let it go.

She managed to slip from his crazy grip and get up, getting ready for the day. His bathroom was far fancier than hers with bespoke tiles and a shower centred in the middle. She took a quick shower and finished the rest of her hygiene routine, only to see that he was still in a deep slumber.

Her bare feet in came into contact with the coolness of the marble floor as she made her way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Gathering her ingredients, she made some scrabbled eggs, fruit salad, and fresh pancakes with a drizzle of maple syrup.

The loud footsteps made her know that he was coming towards the kitchen, he was rough and rugged with loose pyjama shorts and a scruffy beard. She felt whatever he was yearning for in her back accompanied by rough kisses and sucking on her open neck.

"Good morning to you too" She uttered.

She felt a slap on her ass, causing her to yelp which he found amusing. He grabbed a plate that she had set out for him and he dug in like he hadn't eaten in days.

She didn't think that she would be able to find love, it wasn't a part of her life plan and she resided herself to the fact that it wasn't for her but life can be mysterious. It was clear that she and Levi were meant to cross paths and embark on this journey together.

But she would be lying if she said that the age thing still didn't bother her, she didn't know why she was finding it so hard to get over the fact. Maybe she allowed misconceptions about age difference to play too big a part in her wanting to sabotage this.

She stood next to him just as he finished his last bite before she found herself between his legs. She admired how handsome he was, how he towered over her and how safe she felt around him. It had been like that since they first interacted with each other, these small things compensated for the age gap.

" Whatchu wanna do today?" He mumbled as he nestled himself between her breasts.

" I'm not sure, this is my first time in Atlanta so you will have to play tour guide." She rubbed his crisp waves.

" I got you. Let me get in the shower real quick and give yo pretty ass a tour around my city" He pecked her.

While he showered, she got ready for the day by dressing in a simple mini-dress that held her figure well and coupling that with some sneakers and a cute shoulder bag. Levi came out in a simple white tee and grey shorts with sneakers on as well. He topped it off with the chain around his neck.

"A'ight baby, Imma tour you around the city. First, the Trap Music Museum, been trying to go for a minute but I'm always busy so..." Levi turned the ignition of his car, driving out of the building car park.

" Well, it's good that you are resting more. You're young, babe, there is no need for you to overwork yourself at the age of 25" She caressed the back of his head while he placed his hand over her thigh.

" I hear you but it's wired in me. It's all I have ever known, baby, this straightforward all work no play is such a large part of me. I mean, last night was a taste of what my life has always been like" He confessed, seeming tense.

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