The boys exchange a bewildered look.

"We're in Alfheim- but just barely." Aster announces plainly. "You should come inside, it's much less spooky in there." His tone softens.

You nod without another word, desperately trying to process what in the nine just barely in Alfheim means, following them inside with your stomach in knots.

Your eyes dart around the room, taking in the small space. You find it difficult to accept that you've just stepped into a place as comforting as this, from the stark contrast of where you'd just been wandering. The room is well decorated and warm; a fire crackles in the hearth, with a four-poster bed nestled comfortably close by. On the other side of the fire, there is a small table with an open bottle of wine and two glasses resting atop.

The room is cozy and simple, a perfectly quaint little hideaway for romantic rendezvous.

"What is this place?" You turn your attention back to the boys.

Aster swallows roughly before speaking, while Bragi refuses to meet your gaze.

"Would you, uh- like a drink?" The prince gestures toward the bottle of wine.

"No, thank you- but you go ahead."

"Ah, yes... actually, I may need one for this." He proceeds to fill one of the glasses nearly to the brim, taking several large gulps before looking at you again.

"Gersemi, I- I'm not exactly sure how to put this, and I'm certainly not quick-witted enough to come up with a plausible lie, so I'm just going to tell you the truth." He clears his throat- a nervous habit of his you've picked up on during your weeks together. "I'd like to start by saying that I have nothing but respect and gratitude for you. In the very short time we've known each other, you have proven to be one of the most intuitive, kind and genuine people I've ever met. I'm afraid- well, I haven't been entirely honest with you." He looks up to meet your eyes only briefly, before fixing his gaze back on to his wineglass. "Bragi and I are lovers. We have been, in secret, for a long time. I intend to marry you simply as a cover in the public eye, with no intention of ceasing my relationship with him. It was wrong of me to even consider hiding this from you until you were trapped in a marriage with me-"

"I understand." You interrupt.

His eyes dart back to you, frantically searching your face in disbelief at your words.

"I'm pregnant." You glance over at Bragi briefly, whose eyes look like they may just pop out of his head, before regarding Aster once again. "It's obviously not yours."

"Oh, thank the Norns- for they have clearly brought us together." He breathes.

"Sorry?" You've clearly misheard him.

"I was starting to think you just hated our wine." He titters at his own remark. "Don't you see? This is perfect- for both of us. We can introduce the child to the world as ours- my heir and we'll never actually have to sleep together." His shoulders visibly relax.

A giggle forces its way out of you before you can stop it from escaping. You can't help it- there's something about the fact that the future king has been dreading the thought of sleeping with you just as much, if not more, than you were with him, that has tickled you. "We're quite the pair." You chuckle.

"Indeed, we are."

You fall silent for several moments in contemplation. The situation certainly could be mutually beneficial for you both. You mindlessly brush your hair out of your face before you begin to speak again, when your fingers trace along the ribbon of fabric braided into your hair. Loki's shirt. Your stomach twists into a knot at the thought of him and how terribly you miss him. "I think it's past time we start being honest with ourselves and the realm."

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