A Ghost Among Us

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I never believed in ghosts until recently. Since we have had the children it is like a guardian Angel is looking out for them. Things seem to prevent accidents from happening and I swear it looked like things moved out if the way of their own volition. I thought I was imagining things. Then I heard a voice and it wasn't the children. It was a female voice, there were no voices before. Andrew thinks I am losing my mind. Well he did until he heard it as well and everyone was asleep. This time the voice was singing quietly in the babies room.

I am not one to believe in ghosts but I am starting to believe that one is attached to the children. All I can think of is that it is someone who loved them. Their mother is the only one that might be here protecting her children. I guess we can deal with a noisy, protective ghost amongst us. Apparently Danny Warren is being investigated by the police for his mishandling of his clients and their parents. I am glad I spoke to Grace about this situation, these kids might have ended up like their mother. Just as I was thinking that I hear the voice and she tells me I am right. Warren has been using his position. Young women who have fallen on bad times. I want to find out a few things. I know they identified Leila Williams and she was a foster child. I found that out when they looked into her background to see who was responsible for her death and the children's strange names and behavior. Just as I am thinking that I recall how bad my own foster caregivers were. I finally go back to bed. I think I going to see if Ray can look into this situation for us. I think the ghost will rest once we find out what happened to her.

I was looking through something and the names Leila Williams and Susannah Davis came up out of nowhere. I look them up and it turns out they have been missing since the night of the Coping Together event they were prevented from getting near our tables. They tried to meet Dawn Lassiter's then fiancé, they attended school with her, Mia, Anastasia and Kate's school and none of them liked them. They were after my sons and most any male with money. Apparently that was the last place they were seen. I doubt there would be videos still around after so long. Leila Williams was the dead young woman, but something happened to her. I didn't see the autopsy reports and really just needed to get a DNA sample to verify she was the mother of the three children. They are definitely in the right home and thriving. Isabella and Andrew are great with them. I have been thinking about Leila Williams since she ended up dead in our ER and Danny Warren acted so strangely about the three children. Now he is behind bars.

I can't believe Danny has screwed things up so badly. Now they will be looking into this situation. I have escaped from prosecution more times than I care to think about. I bought Elena's BDSM club and I have been using it to make some friends very happy. It wasn't hard to lure gold diggers to a party where a lot of wealthy people would be at, namely the Coping Together events. Of course we made sure there were good looking young men there to lure them away from the event. We made sure they looked wealthy and acted like it. Once they were in the limousines we drugged them. Then we transported them to their new homes. Leila was the easiest one to transport. Susannah was the most difficult but she came around. I was able to set things up and got paid well. I found ways to get more females. Tina was an easy mark and she is being very docile after she's drugged. She thinks we were mugged and they hurt me and kidnapped her. When she came onto me I knew that she was definitely gold digging. After all she had tried to get Ethan to marry her. I saw Jennifer as we were leaving and she was walking past me, she was in a daze for some reason otherwise she would have slapped me. The limo driver was there waiting to point his gun at me to get out, Tina failed to notice where he dropped me after taking the fake wallet. He drove off with her after he gave her a shot of drugs. The BDSM community just went deeper and more intense. Now their pets are not allowed any freedom. They even give birth in captivity. Some were sold to childless families. That was where Danny Warren came into play. There are a few lawyers who set things in motion. When Leila was killed after she got the baby out by way of her daughter. Her older daughter tried to save her mother, a driver saw the girl and the mother on the side of the road where she actually passed away, he called 911 and stayed with them both. Charles Alexander had wounded Leila enough to cause her death. She got her children away from the man who was their father. Not by Leila's choice. I know that he had Susannah as well, not telling where he hid her after that. I know because he has a big mouth. I have to keep a low profile for now. The police are looking into the Williams case again and that will lead to Susannah as well.

Charles Alexander
I am mad and I am going to take it out on someone. I check my women and they are all too pregnant to do anything with. I guess I am going to need to go out on my own because my sources are not available now. I have the women tended to and once they are clean and fed we will check them over to see how soon they will give birth. Baby selling is on hold right now in Seattle at least. I miss my favorite though. I was keeping One, Two and Three, but Two escaped with Three and I injured LeLe after I found out and then she and One got free. My children are now adopted and there is nothing I can do about it. Danny Warren is an idiot.

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