~¶Sixty Three¶~

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~Headed For a Dead End~

The car slowed to a stop in front of her house after they drove past security. An aged man in a security uniform flagged the car down when he saw Dolores leaning to the side with her eyes closed. As he peered closer into the car, he changed his motives when he saw his young mistress stir awake. Sending his kind regards, he let them through the gate and went back to keeping to his duties.

"The sleeping beauty finally wakes up." Simeon crooned when Dolores' sat up with a yawn.

She frowned at him. "What? The drive felt like forever. I don't know if it's just me but you drive like an old lady."

"Hey! Take that back and say your thank you properly. I drove that way on purpose so you wouldn't rouse too early." He defended, feeling a bit hurt.

She rolled her eyes at him. Who knew he was this dramatic? "Don't act like such a baby . Anyway, thank you for driving me home. I'll ask someone to take you back to school so you can take your car and leave for your house as well."

He stepped out of the car at the same time she did, then tossed her the keys. "Nevermind about that. I'll just take the bus to school."

"That'll be bothersome. We both know how late the bus arrives at the bus stop and I don't want you coming back here to get me when it's night. Allow me, okay?" She locked up the car, ambling over to stand in front of him. "You also look too haggard to take the bus alone. You might be mistaken for a homeless kid while you're in the bus."

"What was that for? You know what, I'll just head on alone and show you that I'm no sissy. Bye-bye, Dolores." He muttered, walking away from her with shoulders that dropped as he went.

She laughed at his behavior. "What a stubborn kid." There was a vibration from her bag which dragged her eyes away from Simeon's departing frame. Rummaging quickly through her bag, she found her phone. It was Adelina. "Hey."

"You leave for your house and you didn't think to inform me? What did I ever do wrong to you?" Her tone of accusation filtered through the phone.

Anger spiked in Dolores but she taped it under control and replied in the most controlled tone she could manage. "I'm so sorry about that. I and Simeon came home together since you were too busy to."

There was a scoff from the angry caller. "When was I ever too busy for you? It doesn't matter what I was doing but it's not a valid excuse for us not to go home together. Ever since Simeon came along, you've practically stopped hanging out with me altogether and are now stuck by the hip with him. You don't even talk or hang out with Nicolas as you used to. What sort of a friend are you? We can't even share secrets because you prefer to solve issues by yourself or tell Simeon and forget that you have me close by to help. What is the matter?"

Dolores counted to twenty patiently to ease the swirling anger within before she did something regrettable. "Did you just say I stopped talking to you? Lina, can you remember the last time we had a girl's night at any of our houses? Can you think of a time where both of us sat down like we used to and really, really converse? Was there any time you came to me and I flipped you off for no reason?"

"Yes, I--"

"You have no right to tell me all of this since they're what you do the most. You have a boyfriend? That's great! So you stop hanging out often with your best friend because you think she's so boring, antisocial and outdated. I try to tell you things but you wave me off before I even start. We're talking in the hallway or on the phone but when Grayson shows up, you walk away with him or put my call on hold. Do I matter so little to you?" If anything, she was truly heartbroken and her eyes were opened to see what was indeed playing out before her. Signs she had tried to ignore.

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