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It was 6:55 pm when Jimmy and Kenny showed up at Stan's barn. Kenny rang the doorbell. There was no answer.

"Just walk in. The door's unlocked," Kyle appeared behind them.

"You look like shit," Kenny said.

"I've been working all day," Kyle said. "And Randy gave me $300."

"Lucky you," Jimmy said.

Kenny opened the door.

Stan was passed out on the couch. Numerous cans and bottles lined the coffee table. A half empty bottle of Jameson sat near his hand.

"Oh, shit," Kyle said. He shook Stan's shoulders. "Stan. Wake up."

"Hm?" Stan opened his eyes. "Oh, Kyle you came back."

Stan kissed him.

"I missed you," Stan said.

"Stan, you're drunk."

Kenny's eyes widened.

"Well, fellas, this is a bit awkward," Jimmy said.

"Oh, shit, hey guys," Stan said. He stood up from the couch and hobbled over to Kenny and Jimmy. "Band practice."

"Yeah, band practice," Kenny said.

"My fucking guitar is broken anyway," Stan said. "Not like Butters is gonna show up after what you did to him anyway, eh, Ken?"

"Fuck you, Stan. It's not funny," said Kenny.

"Maybe you two should leave. I'll take care of him," Kyle said.

"Yeah, I think we'll go," Kenny said.

He and Jimmy left.

Kyle sighed.

"Stan, why did you drink so much?"

"I'm just like my fucking dad," Stan said. "I start and I can't stop."

"You can stop, Stan."

"Remember when you said I'm not like him because he does this every day?" Stan stifled a laugh. "Well, yeah."

"Oh no, Stan."

"Sorry, Kyle, I know we're supposed to tell each other everything because we're best friends. I didn't want you to worry about me."

"Why? Why do you feel the need to do this to yourself?"

"I don't know. I just start and I don't know how to stop."

"You're going to have to apologize to Kenny when you sober up. I think you really hurt his feelings."

"Shit," Stan said.

It wasn't until five hours later and a couple of trips to the bathroom to puke that Stan felt sober enough to call Kenny.

The phone rang so many times that Stan was sure it would go to voicemail.

"What do you want?" Kenny asked.

"Kenny, I'm sorry about what I said earlier."

"It's fine, Stan," Kenny said. "But dude, you've got to get your drinking under control.

"You've been saying that for months."

"And you've needed to get your drinking under control for months."

"I know," Stan sighed.

"Also what's happening between you and Kyle? You kissed him in front of me and Jimmy."

"Oh yeah, we have feelings for each other."

Kyle glanced over to him.

"Did you guys do it?"

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