Chapter 20 - Cast Away (Ⅳ)

Start from the beginning

''I had something to take care of for the student council.''

''Mou...I can't let you sit here all day drinking! Don't you want to be alone? Here's how it works. I'll leave you alone for three days if you come with me today.''


''So, hehehe~ What do you say Kazuma-kun~? Pretty good deal, isn't it?''

Wherever there is no presence of you, it means peace to me. If I have to spend a few hours doing it, so be it. The school festival is organized into different sections. The stands are just a bunch of tents set up in the school's garden. It won't take that long, just like the previous year.

If you are born with a condition that prevents you from forgetting, it's not so difficult to remember things.

''Fine.'' Wherever this path takes me.

''Kyaaah-! Arigato Kazuma-kun!''

Then Ichika grabbed my arm and began to pull me away before I could even finish my drink. What a waste of energy...

Another memory created for oblivion.

''Believe onee-san~ Today is going to be a blast!''

''Believe onee-san~ Today is going to be a blast!''

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Now, the stand area is likely the busiest section of the school. It serves as a direct link to the main entrance. Visitors are required to traverse this area to gain access to other parts of the school. This is precisely why all the popular attractions, such as the Yakisoba stand, fishing game, and ring-tossing set up in exactly the same place.

Ichika and I began to move between the stands. The level of noise pollution in this area is intolerable.

''Ahh, nostalgic~ Doesn't it remind you of the fireworks festival too? But it wasn't that crowded tho.

''This is only the beginning; people will begin to show up in the afternoon.''

''Ehh?...I had no idea this school was that popular.''

''It's the most well-known school in the area. Normal.''

''There weren't any fancy events like this at our former school...''

''Former— You're talking about St.Cruz.''

"Yup, St. Cruz was nothing like this." Ichika said, her tone somewhat wistful. "It was a bigger, yet more quiet school. We didn't have these kinds of events or festivals. Ara ara~ Are you interested in our story, Kazuma-kun?''

To be honest, I don't give a damn. I'm already familiar with your story. Anyone with a working mind can effortlessly draw connections between the dots. ''Not really.''

''I wouldn't say it even if you wanted to. It's kind of special... if the girls find out I told you, they'll be mad at me for sure.'' Ichika giggled.

''That you all failed at your previous school? The grading system at that school is much stricter than it is here. One of you was probably below the expulsion line, and the other four of you followed her.''

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