8|Uh oh

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Sakura's Pov

"Boo" God Ace is truly a child sometimes

"Really Ace.." He hugs me to say sorry

"Im sorry Cherry "

"It's fine just no more of that"

"Yes Ma'am"

Ace's Pov

We've been at May's for about 4 days. Matt hasn't gotten in contact since but I know he's just waiting for us to give in...

"Ace get over here" I look over and see Sakura on the top of the stairs

"What's up?" I get up the stairs confused

"I need you to take Eloise from me when I grab her"


"She's kinda in the attic" The attic why the heck is a cat in the attic that's hardly even opened-

"How did Eloise get in the attic?"

"I went up there to get some craft stuff May said would be up here"

"So Eloise went up there and you can't bring her down?"

"Yup I don't wanna walk down the ladder with her because I need both my hands" I look up at the attic and see Eloise's head peeping through the hole

"Alright go get Eloise"


She quickly climbs the ladder and grabs Eloise. She goes down one step and hands me her. I quickly put Eloise down. She is not the biggest fan. I look back at Sakura climbing down and she misses a step and falls backwards, I quickly grab her so she doesn't hit the ground.

"Jeez Cherry almost died there, your lucky I was here" I poke fun at her and she laughs

"Thanks ài" I smile at that name. I still have yet to know what it means but I think her friends do because when they first heard that they all started laughing.

"No problem Darling" I look down at my feet I didn't mean to say that... is she gonna be mad at me or think i'm weird shoot no uhm what do I do now

Sakura's Pov

Oh my god did he just call me darling god i'm probably as red as a tomato I look at Ace he's just staring at his feet.. is he nervous?

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. He picks his head up and rests it on my shoulder, I just want to hug him. We don't need to speak. He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. I don't know where he is bringing me and honestly I don't care.

I hear a loud bang and pull myself as close as possible to Ace afraid to pick my head up.I hear running and guns and what sounds like someone trying to break in

"A-ace what's going on?" I look at him and I can see the fear in his eyes. That's when I realize who it is...Matt. I look around the room we are in its Ace's he put me down and grabbed something I didn't see

1 gunshot.. 2.. 3.. 4 "Sakura I would get your ass up here to keep your friends safe and this precious baby girl" Fuck does he actually have them

"Ace pull up the cameras right now"

"Okay" He quickly goes onto the app. I check all the cameras and finally see him with a gun and May Andrew in front of him and sky's in his arms.

"Ace i'm very sorry for this" he quickly looks at me confused, I grab a gun quickly open the door and walk up the stairs I hide the gun in my sweater pocket

"I will come up the second you put the baby in May's arms where I know she's safe" I yell from the landing of half the stairs

"Deal" I still have Ace's phone so I check and see May and Andrew Safe with baby Sky

I walk up with confidence, sure inside I'm terrified but I need to be strong to keep everyone safe.

"Been a while hasn't it dear?" I stare straight into his eyes. I still remember his weaknesses. If he had me he would do anything for me unless it was...

683 Words

The way Ace acts is so cute, sorry for the cut off felt like it'd be to much for one chapter<3



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