Chapter 45

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Diana stirred in her bed, or what she thought was her bed, before feeling a warm body next to her. She opened her eyes seeing George still sleeping. She tried to think where she was, since boys weren't allowed in their rooms, and Diana.

"Georgie! Wake up!" Fred shouted, before he shoved open the curtains, and gasped seeing Diana.

"Ah!" He screamed, jumping back.

"What's going on?" George asked, his eyes fluttering open.

"I'm apparently in your dorm room, I don't remember exactly what happened?" Diana said, George chuckled as he sat up, seeing a horrified Fred.

"Oh, Fred calm down! It's not like were naked!" 

"Are you sure? George is shirtless and I don't want to see anything that will scar me." Fred said, Diana rolled her eyes, chuckling.

"No, we're fully dressed."

"Minus George's shirt." Fred said,

"You got so drunk yesterday, and I couldn't find Mads anywhere, so I brought you up here. Where I didn't think people were going to be overreacting!" George said, shouting the last part at Fred who shrugged, as Lee walked out of the bathroom.

"What is with all the screaming-Oh I see." Lee giggled, Diana and George blushed.

"It was Fred who was screaming, you pervert." George said,

"Now, can you two please leave." Diana added, 

"So, you can do it without anyone knowing?" Fred asked, George threw a pillow at his head.

"Kidding! Just kidding!" Fred shouted, as he slipped his shoes on. Him and Lee walked out not before Fred opened the door again and said,

"Or am I?"

"Fred!" They both shouted before he shut the door, giggling.

"Ugh, my head is killing me." Diana said, her head falling on the pillow.

"That's what you get for trying to out drink me." He smirked, kissing the top of her head before standing up. Diana, her cheek pressed up against the pillow, watched George as he walked towards his dresser, and grabbed a potion bottle out.

"What is this?" She asked, as he handed her it.

"Anti-hangover potion." He said,

"Oh! You're a life saver." She said, sitting up and unsealing the bottle, before drinking the potion in one gulp. She could instantly feel her headache disappear putting the potion bottle on the nightstand, she shut her eyes laying back on the bed.

"I feel so much better." She signed, her eyes still closed, she could hear George walking closer to her bed.

"If you jump on me, I'll kill you." Diana warned,

"How did you know, I was goanna do that?" George laughed,

"Because I know you," Diana said, opened her eyes, and seeing a grinning George.

"Do you know why McGonagall asked us to meet in the entrance hall?" Diana asked her friends as they left the common room, later that Sunday.

"I'm not sure, I think it has something to do with the tournament." Mads answered.

"If you please, boys on the left girls on the right." McGonagall said, once the group entered, seeing Mr. Filch in the corner with a muggle recorder. Diana sent George a confused look who just shrugged, before they went to their seats.

"Now is that everyone?" McGonagall asked, looking around, before nodding to herself.

"Okay, should be. Now the yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance." Diana and Madlyn looked at each other, excited.

"Silence. The house of Godrick Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." McGonagall warned.

"Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight." McGonagall said, 

"Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance." Diana bit on her bottom lip trying not to laugh.

"Mr. Weasley, will you join me?" McGonagall asked,

"What?" Ron said, McGonagall walked up to him, and pulled him onto her makeshift dance floor.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist." 

"WHERE?" Ron said,

"My waist." McGonagall said, calming. Fred and George started to wolf whistle, Ron turned around readying to punch them, but McGonagall grabbed his arm again and forced his hand on her waist.

"Now bend your arm. Mr. Filch if you please." McGonagall said before the music started playing. 

"One two three, one two three, one two three." She said, Ron's ears turned red, as he stared at his feet instead of anyone else, mainly the twins.

"Now, everybody come together." McGonagall said, once the music was finished, Ron ran back to his seat. The girls stood up, but the boys didn't move.

"Boys come on," McGonagall said, Neville stood up first and then the other boys followed suit. 

"May I have this dance milady?" George asked, bowing to Diana.

"You may." She laughed, as he took her hand. The music started up again, and the two started dancing.

Diana stepped on George's feet a total of three times, but George didn't mind.

"Stop staring at your feet." George laughed, he put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up.

"I'm trying not to step on your feet." Diana explained,

"You already have three times. Don't think about your feet." George said, before nodding, and finally George's toes were spared for five minutes.

Then his hand traveled to her lower back, and dipped Diana, she gasped her hair grazing the ground before starting to laugh.

"George!" She laughed, as he pulled her back up.


"You could have warned me!"

"Ah, where's the fun in that?" He asked, making her laugh as the music stopped and they bowed to each other. George grabbed Diana's waist, not resisting one kiss. She giggled and grabbed his shirt with both hands, getting butterflies like it was their first kiss all over again.

"Weasley! Dursley! No PDA in the middle of class!" McGonagall shouted, who they had forgotten was there.

"Sorry Professor, I couldn't help it." George said. 

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