Chapter 44

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Later that night, when Harry entered the common room, the twins had thrown a party. The group had gotten food, butterbeer, juice, and fire whiskey, for the older students of course, and some of Fred and George's new products.

"Blimey this is heavy," Lee said, picking up the egg.

"Open it, Harry! go on! Let's just see what's inside it!" Madlyn said,

"He's supposed to work out the clue on his own. It's in the tournament rules." Hermione said, Harry whispered something to her, that no one else could hear.

"Yeah, go on Harry! Open it!" Several people shouted, as Harry took the egg back from Harry. He pried the egg open, and then a horrible loud screeching sound came out of the egg. Everyone shut their ears.

"Shut it!" Fred shouted,

"What was that? Sounds like a banshee...maybe you've got to get past one of those next, Harry!" Seamus suggested, as Harry shut the egg.

"It was someone being tortured! You're going to have to fight the cruciatus curse!" Neville said,

"Don't be a part, Neville, that's illegal. They wouldn't use the cruciatus curse on the champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy singing...maybe you've got to attack him while he's in the shower, Harry." George suggested, as he sat next to Diana on the couch, drinking some fire whiskey, his arm casually thrown across Diana's shoulder. Diana leaned down grabbing a custard cream.

"Don't eat that." George said, taking it from Diana's hand and putting it.


"Because it'll turn you into a bird."

"Why leave it out then?" Diana laughed. 

"Testing, advertising." George shrugged,

"How do you get in there?" Hermione asked, Diana and George who weren't paying attention, had lost track of the conversation, started at Hermione confused.

"Easy, concealed door behind a painting of a bowl of fruit. Just tickle the pear, and it giggles-why?" Fred said, stopping himself as he started at Hermione, suspiciously.

"Nothing." Hermione said, rather quickly.

"Going to try and lead the house-elves out on strike now, are you? Going to give up all the leaflet stuff and try and stir them up into rebellion?" George said, making several people laugh.

"Don't you go upsetting them and telling them they've got to take clothes andsalaries! You'll put them off their cooking!" Fred warned, Hermione. Just then Neville turned into a large canary.

"Oh-sorry, Neville. I forgot-it was the custard creams we hexed." Fred said, before Neville turned back into himself, and started laughing.

"Canary Creams! George and I inventedthem - seven Sickles each, a bargain!" Everyone laughed, as Hermione shook her head. Diana took a big gulp of her fire whiskey.

"Maybe you should slow down." George said, Diana shrugged.

"I'm not even tipsy! I have a very high tolerance." She giggled,

"No, you don't."

"You don't." She said, pointing at George.

"That's not true." George laughed,

"No, it's very true! I can drink more then you!" Diana said.

"Are you sure about that, darling?" George asked, Diana blushed. She loved when he called her, darling.

"I am, Georgie." She said, he stood up grabbing a bottle of fire whiskey and set it on the table.

"Okay, let's see. The first one to start slurring there, or her, words losses." George said,

"You're on." Diana said, as he poured some fire whiskey in her cup and then his, before starting the competition. And Diana felt fine three cups in, but then around the fifth cup, she started giggling. The common room was now almost empty, for a few lingering people.

"George, I love you." She said, 

"I love you too, Diana, but you really need to stop." He said, his head was starting to buzz a little, but he was more sober than Diana.

"I think we've had enough of that." George said, picking up the bottle that Diana was reaching for again.

"But! Georgie! I want more!" She pouted, looking adorable, George thought, but he noticed as her eyes drooped, and she tried to stifle her yawn.

"Let's get you to bed." George said, he helped her stand up, but she lost her footing, and George had to help her before she fell flat on her face. 

"I don't think I can go up the stairs." She said, slurring some of her words. George looked around, trying to find Madlyn but she wasn't anywhere around.

"Let's just go up to my room." George said, Diana giggled.

"Not like that you perverted." George laughed, as he helped Diana upstairs. 

George opened his bedroom door, seeing Fred and Lee passed out on their beds, both forgetting to pull their curtains shut.

"Sh," George said, as Diana giggled.

"Sh!" She said, as George led her to her bed. Diana slipped her shoes off, and got onto the four-poster bed, hiding under the covers.

"George?" She said, poking her head out. He chuckled, as he took his shoes off.

"I'm coming." He said, shutting the curtains, and crawling under the covers with Diana, whose eyes were slowly getting heavier. She felt George drape an arm around her, before drifting off to sleep.

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