Hailey x little sister p2

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Part 2 of Party, Girlfriend, Kidnapped

Pain cursing through her body as she slowly opened her eyes, her head throbbing, she went to reach up and touch her head only to find her hands were tied together with some sort or strong material that couldn't be broke, most likely, zip ties. As she tried to sit herself up a bit she felt something cold on her ankle, she looked to the side to see a chain cuffed to her right foot.

She then took notice of her appearance, her jacket was gone aswell as her pants. All she had on was a Tshirt and undies, she did find herself shivering at one stage, wherever she was , it was cold, really cold. The girl then sat there just thinking, she wanted her sister so bad, she didn't care nor think about the fact she was gonna be punished for going to the party.

She honestly didn't give a shit about that anymore, she just needed Hailey, she wanted nothing more than to be in her sister's arms, to hear her voice. She chose to hold onto hope, hope that Hailey would know something was wrong when she didn't come home, hope that the team would come looking for her and find her, hope was all she had right now, she didn't want to let that go.

"Well well well, if it isn't little Miss Upton junior" a cold deep voice spoke with a Evil laugh at the end, his footsteps could be heard as he walked towards the girl. Before she knew it, two feet stopped Infront of her, she looked up to see who they belonged to , when she did, she saw that she infact didn't know this person, this man was a stranger but he certainly knew her.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Hollie asked as tear's streamed down her face, the man laughed and gave the girl a kick to the stomach which caused her to groan in pain "you don't know me but i know you, Hollie Rose Upton, born 19th July 2000, little sister to Hailey Ann Upton who is a detective for Chicago PD, her partner being Jay Halstead" the man then explains coldly, trying to scare the girl.

He succeeded, the girl shivered but not from the cold "h,how?" She asked, the man smirked as he gave the girl his answer "well, I've been watching you for a while... You see , your sister, she killed my brother, shot him right in the chest" his voice more raised towards the end , the girl sighed "I'm sorry about your brother but if my sister killed him then he brought it upon himself, Hailey doesn't just kill people in cold blood, she's not like that".

The man glared at the girl, his face getting redder in anger "LIES, SHE'S A MURDERER AND SHES GOING TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE! I'll make sure of that" he snap's, he then smirks before continuing "a simple bullet to the head won't do, that's too kind, you're gonna suffer and die a very slow and painful death... And just for a finishing touch, I'll record it all just so she can watch".

The girl gulped, maybe this was it? Maybe this is where she dies? Before she even had a moment to think a terrible pain hit her stomach, she looked down to see that the man had stabbed her . The blood instantly seeped through her shirt which was definitely not just white anymore "please, please dont...I'm sorry" the girl pleaded with the man but he shook his head with a laugh before sending a kick to her face, knocking her out unconscious.

When the girl came around again she found herself laying on the floor, with blood surrounding her from the wound on her stomach that had bled out. The girl was weak, her eyes were fluttering open and closed every few seconds, she tried to put pressure on the wound but groaned in agony as her hand touched it.

"Ahh, your awake" she then heard and titled her head slightly to see the man towering over her , he gave a her a smile which sent chills down the girls spine. He then started to throw punches like she was a punch bag at the gym, he landed kick's too, by the end of it, the girl felt like she was hanging on to life by a thread. Everything hurt , she just wanted it to end.

The man then stops and smirks before pulling out a gun "any last words? Your sister will be watch this later" he asks, the young girl just cries, she slowly moves her head so her eyes are on the camera "H, Hailey,I... I love , I love you so much, y, y, you the best sister, I, I'm sorry...I , I t,tried" this was all she could manage, she tried to speak some more, to tell her sister not to let it destroy her, that she'll be okay but it hurt too much.

Everything hurt, she just wanted to let go , the man laughed "that...was perfect!" He said, he then pointed the gun at Hollie's chest BANG was all the girl heard, she had closed her eyes but what was weird was she didn't feel anything. She slowly opened her eyes to see the man on the floor , a bullet hole in his head , she then saw Jay standing there with the gun.

"HOLLIE" the detective said in panic as he rushed to the girls side "no! Don't you dare leave us kid, come on! You can do it, just keep those eyes open" he said trying to give the girl a reason the fight. Hollie felt a tear escape her eye, there was only one thing she wanted right now, If she was to die, she didn't want to be in Jay's arms but her sisters "H, Hailey" was all the girl stuttered out.

The detective nodded as he radioed through "Boss, let Hailey in" he said, Voight didn't like the idea of that and was abouts to shut the idea down but wasn't fast enough. The blonde detective had heard what Jay said and she went running into the building at full speed, ignoring Hanks calls for her to come back.

When she got inside her heart broke at the sight of her sister laying there looking so life less, her skin was more pale than usual, her usually white shirt was mostly red. "Baby" was all she said, she was in shock, sure she'd seen this type of thing fsr too many times but it hits differently when its one of your own , the young girl moved her head to the side "sissy" she spoke the most quiet she ever did.

Hailey smiled sadly and nodded before kneeling by her sister's side, the young girl hadn't called her that for ages, that just shown the detective how bad it truly was. She held onto her sister's hand and gave her a kiss on the forehead, Jay kept pressure on the wound as he watched the interaction with tears in his eyes "it's okay sweetheart, it's okay" Hailey said with a smile.

(The end
Ps don't worry, she didn't die well not from him anyway 😂 Hailey was sure to kill her as soon as she woke up in the hospital)


Chicago PD family one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora