Hailey x little sister

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Age 16
Sister - Hailey Upton
Party, Girlfriend, Kidnapped

Hollie had been living with her sister for about a year, she had come to live with her after the teen reached out to her sister asking for help. Hailey of course did exactly that, she knew her little sister needed her and went to the ends of earth to make sure she stuck to it.

Today at school, Hollie had been invited to a party that was happening , she usually didn't care about parties but this one was being hosted by her crush, Bonnie. Bonnie was one of the popular girls but she was different than your average queen bees as you'd call them, she was down to earth, smart and funny oh and beautiful, you can't forget beautiful.

Hollie was gay, yes but not out of the closet so to speak, she was terrified of telling her sister truth be told, when she told her father he went more colder than ever and beat the living crap outta her while drilling it in her head that being gay was a sin. As far as the teenager was concerned, she was happy with her sister but coming out to her could just mean loosing her too and Hollie didn't want that.

At around 6pm Hollie got changed into a pair of ripped jeans, t shirt and leather jacket along with a pair of black and white sneakers, she then went to run straight out the door but was stopped by her sister "where do you think your going?", Hollie stopped and looked at her confused "to Quinn's" the woman looked for a moment before nodding "okay, have fun, remember be back by 9.30 no later" Hollie nodded with a smile "I will, see ya" she waved before running out the door.

She hated lying to her sister but she knew if she told her, she wouldn't let her go and she couldn't pass this opportunity. She only half lied to Hailey anyway, she was going to Quinn's, it's just, she wasn't staying, them both were going to this party and were being picked up by Quinn's boyfriend Elijah who was close friends with the host of this party who just so happened to be Bonnie's twin brother Billy.

When they got to the party, before they even got to the door they could hear the music, they could see the coloured lights flashing from the windows, the smell of marijuana in the air which only increased once inside. Alcohol could be smelt on the breath of teenager's as they tried to act cool to impress their peers.

"Eli, my brother from another mother, glad your here man, Quinn, Hollie" Billy greeted Elijah with a fist bump and nodding at the two girls "can I get you ladies something to drink?" He then asked, Quinn nodded where as Hollie shook her head "I'm good thanks". Billy then rolled his eyes "come on, don't be such a party pooper!" He pressured the girl.

Quinn then said quietly to the girl "come on Hol's , It's one drink, do it for me" , the teenage girl sighed before turning to Billy "on second thoughts, why not?" The boy smiled "that's more like it... I'll be right back" he then walked off, Elijah looked at Hollie "you don't have to drink if you don't want to".

The girl smiled at him, he was a nice boy, he was the complete opposite of Billy, I guess it's true, opposites do attract, the only similarity between the two was that them both were on the football team. It wasn't long till Billy came back with two shot glasses filled with a transparent liquid, vodka.

He passed the glasses to the girls, Quinn thanks him and downs it straight away where as Hollie looks at it, sniffs it before downing it like her friend had just done. As soon as the spirit hit her through she instantly started coughing, she could practically feel the warmth of the liquid going down her throat and into her stomach.

Billy laughed but patted her on the shoulder "it's like that but without the coughing" he then starts laughing again and Quinn does too "you two stop it, Hollie doesn't have to drink if she doesn't want to! Stop pressuring her" Elijah then speaks up, getting fed up with his best mate and girl friend.

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